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The World | Sixth | 6


You stand in The Wilds of BeSig4. It's twilight but the twisted lengths of warped trees obscure the sky from your gaze. There is life all around you; you can sense it. You're aware of small animals in the trees, though you don't yet have a name for them, and you're aware of slightly larger animals in the bushes and scrubs nearby. It's instinct that tells you these animals are food.

You tilt your head up, lifting your nose to sniff the air. There are more interesting creatures further away. To the north there is something large and dangerous. You don't know what it is. You're still getting used to standing among the planets and trees, still getting used to the feeling of your own body, but something in your blood suggests there's danger to the north. A threat.

East and South, however, are different. You can smell a different sort of creature in those directions. This is a different sort of prey, a prey that causes your body to react with a different sort of hunger. Once again your blood speaks to you, these are creatures you would like to hunt.

The West is different again, there are mixed signals and different types of creatures. SOme of the entities to the West would do as prey, others feel related, similar in a way but don't arouse your hunger in the same way.

The wind picks up, a gust of air whipping through your thick fur as you smell your distant prey. With the exception of the North and whatever threat awaits there you feel strong and confident, larger and more dangerous than anything else in these Wild Woods. The ends of your fingers have claws. These feel good. Your eyes see well in the darkness. This is good. Your muscles ripple with power. This is good. You feel well fed and this is good. Between your legs, your shaft of flesh, your mighty cock needs attention. This feels like your first hunt.


Which direction to do pick?


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