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Cartoon robosluts | meteorbeat | 17


Leaning back on your sofa you put your eyes on the ceiling, in the same way a person would simply look at something but be light years away lost in memories, that was the intention while your mind conjured the details that you have been working for some time to come to you, most of it was going to be winged sadly.

“I was a hero, your daughter probably has the photo of the whole group... we were so young, barely kids. Back then I was... you know, the neighbor kid to many brothers... but I didn't get along well with them... no, it was a little girl that was as fiery as her mouth... and her fist... you should have seen in how many troubles we got together”

“You two sound like Kim and Ron when they were young” she said smiling at you obviously enjoying the story.

“Yeah... those were the days, imagining ourselves as conquerors and vanquishers of world destroyers... but then came the light... and all changed. She green and I yellow, we survived the comet that night; thankfully both of our families where outside in a group outing and left us to play in the tree-house... but... it was not what she wanted. Shego and Igo, the power duo of Go City, we were unbeatable, criminals soiled themselves when they heard us come... well, it was more fear of Shego than of me really. Sadly it didn't last”

“Why? I have to confess that I have always been curious as to why you decided to be villains”

“Oh, Hego has always said that Shego found darkness and evil so appealing, that fighting against the darkness had made her enjoy it more and more, that she found it appealing... lies that he says to himself... but no, Shego wanted to be free, she was tired, we were both tired. It was so oppressive, the public and newspapers always watching over our shoulders like vultures, the police and the system red-taping us and freeing criminals because we didn't conduct the investigation according to the law... we became... jaded... all of us, well except of Hego.

Several times I thought that the boss and him will come to blows, but no, we finally decided that enough was enough, we were going to become freelancers, hire ourselves as protectors and probably black-ops in the worst of cases, but Hego, oh Hego... he said that if we left the team then we were villains... and he did, he went to the police and the Go City mayor saying that we have went rogue”

“He did what?!”

“I understand him now, he was scared, he was afraid he was losing his family, that we were destroying his dream of being a superhero... I can't forgive him... but I can understand him”

“How could he have done that to you two?.. wait... you never had the intention of becoming villains!”

“Bingo... but back then... well, we were alone, our parents couldn't take us since Hego appeared in television and all but announced that we have walked into the 'darkside', we were almost penniless since Team Go worked pro bono much like Kim and Team Go was sponsored by the city... we didn't have many options, back then there was no GJ, the government was gunning for us and the only jobs we could have found as mercenaries would be of extremists and terrorists.. but then, then came the answer in the form of a person” Anne stood watching you with her brows furrowed trying to discern the meaning of your words until her face brightened in understanding.



What were the steps to the path to villainy?

          A path of light and darkness


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