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Old Flame | Hardro | 2


There was just something about this slimeball that didnt set right with me. He kept hitting on my mom and for some reason she didnt stop his advances. I stayed quiet for a while, drank my beer and just tried not to say anything stupid.

As the night rolled on, more alcohol was consumed and Jerry kept getting louder and more obnoxious. "Here, I'll go get some more wine for the lady. You need anything there bud?" He got up and headed to the camper.

"Nope, all good here." I promptly returned with a bit of noticable disgust in my voice.

"Welllll, allllllright," as he stumbled off. I got up and walked over to where my mom was sitting.

"What are you doing Mom? This guy's an obvious creep" I asked her quietly.

"He's a nice guy, stop being such a stick in the mud. You've barely said anything all night and you've been glaring at Jerry." She said, a little bit louder than I was talking. Then she blurted out, "and besides, I haven't been with anyone in a long time. So what if I want to get some?"

"Mom, what the hell?" I was taken aback at her bluntness. "You don't need to talk about that to me, and even so, you shouldnt get with this guy. He was nearly falling over himself when we got here."

"I dont need to be lectured by my son about who I decide to spend my time with!" She looked up at me and I could tell the alcohol was affecting her cause her words were beginning to slur together. "And if yooave a problem witthat you can go!"

I got up, grabbed the rest of my 6pack and headed to the camper. Jerry came stumbling out and looked confused as we crossed paths. "Hey, what happened? Where you going?" He called out as he handed my mom a fresh glass of wine.

"Im going to bed. You guys have fun." I walked inside and sat there
drinking the rest of beer and thought of what to do.

"Hell if Mom needs to get fucked so bad, it wont be by that guy. I'll give her exactly what she needs."


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