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Master PC - Hollywood Edition | enadenad | 2


It was after midnight in Hollywood but the computer screen was still glowing. She wasn't great at using computers but damn it the only way to get your personal profile up these days was to at least appear tech savvy. And if you didn't have a high profile you might as well not exist.

She had read through twitter and her facebook fan page and found nothing worth responding too. Her myspace site hadn't seen anyone view it for over six months. Was that even still a thing? She'd have to check with a tech geek. Her email inbox was depressingly empty of scripts.

Well, that wasn't quite true. She snorted as she clicked through the ads for Viagra and the occasional sleazeball promising great things for little personal 'consideration'.

She should really go to bed but what was the point. Its not like she had any where to be tomorrow. She winced and remembered that later in the week she had an 'interview' with the bank. She had managed to get herself a mortgage on a nice house in a nice area back when a career seemed so possible. Now she was potentially going to have to move to a smaller place, maybe even an apartment. And that was the kiss of death in this town.

As she reached for the power button beside the machine she saw a new email appear. Clicking it open she found a large file called Master PC. Large enough to be a script she thought.

She clicked and started the download. The question was wait till it finished or go to bed and read it in the morning. Before she decided one way or the other she thought she heard someone called her name in the next room.


And her name is?


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