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The Uncanny SEX-Men | LoganDirth | 12


"Team," the professor's voice came across the radio. "I can't find Jean but I've just sensed something at the following coordinates that seems to resonate with her usual frequency."

Storm turned the plane and sped off to the remote island. "Wasn't that one of Magneto's old lairs?" Wolverine quipped while pulling on his mask.

"I just hope we get there in time to help her." Cyclops was focused... and more than a little shamed from having cheated on Jean with an imposter.

The volcanic island looked as it had when the X-Men were last here. The gaping crater in the side of the mountain where they had destroyed Magneto's non-mutant doomsday device was still there and Storm flew through it to land in the empty hanger.

Cyclops leaped from his chair and ran off towards the dungeons where they had once held the US Senators ransom while the team readied themselves.

From the end of the hallway Jean could see that someone was coming. Magneto had gotten what he'd wanted. She was pregnant with his spawn. She then felt warmth at her wrists and ankles as Cyclops blasted the restraints away with his optic blasts.

"Scott! I'm so sorry." Jean cried.

"No Jean," Scott consoled her, "I am."

"I'm... Magneto made me... I'm sorry."

"You were his prisoner."

"Scott, I want you to make love to me. I want you to wash his evil filth from my womb."

Scott's bashful reluctance were no match for the naked love of his life and he mounted Jean quickly before the team could catch up. Jean searched herself, knowing that sex with Cyclops would never be as satisfying as it had with Magneto but allowed herself to enjoy it and amplified their emotions.

When Scott Summers came inside his would be wife she gasped in the realization that there had been a second ovum and she now carried two children in her womb.


What happens to Mystique?

          Trapped in the Danger Room


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