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The Wrestling Exhibition | Vlaandere | 13


You spent a night at the infirmary, recovering fairly quickly. Your match with Tina earned a lot of attention from fans on the internet, most of them jealous about your job as a wrestler in the organization but mostly fans like you. You started receiving more friend request on Facebook and even have a fan page dedicated to you and your matches. You do receive weird comments sometimes though.

MikMilz187: LUCKY SOB!

As you read the comments, you notice some of the pictures the fans have taken. Most of them are you getting beaten up but they do show how athletic you are. looks like you won over some fans finally.

You then receive a phone call. Surprisingly enough, it's Tina.

"Hey! Have you looked at your fan page recently!?" Tina says very concerned
"Whatever you do, Get out of that place NOW! I'm gonna pick you up" *click*

Tina sounds worried as she hands up the phone. You did check the comments on your fan page... wait... StrongArmBASS? As you click the link to the profile, you hear a knock at the door. You want to ignore it but then it gets louder, and Louder.

The whole room shakes from the knocking as the door looks like it's about to crumble. Finally the door broke into pieces leaving a cloud of dust at the doorway. You see a very large figure at the doorway, almost taller than the room itself. You take no chances and press the bottom button of your bed for the nurse. The dust starts to clear and you see the man's face clearly now.

He wore a Black vest with white and red stripes over a grey sleeveless shirt and black pants with white stripes on the side. Includes an American styled bandana, white trimmed sunglasses with dark lenses, black fingerless gloves, a black belt, and dark grey boots. Needless to say, He looked Pissed!

"You that fighter that fought with my Tina!?" he says with a angry demonic tone

You slowly back away to the window behind you as you say yes to the strange, big guy.

"You must have a Death Wish!" he says running towards you.

You close your eyes knowing you have no way out, you hear a crash and the window breaking though.

"TINAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaa" you hear the voice of the man fading.

you open your eyes and see that Tina is standing in front of you. She was wearing a Black jacket with a yellow hoodie and a yellow tank top underneath, blue jean shorts, a black hoodie hat with a white star, a silver pendant black fingerless grappling gloves, a white belt and white knee-high boots.

"Hurry, He'll kill you if you stay here." Tina shouts at you

You take her words to heart and begin running with Tina downstairs out of the building. She jumps into her car as you do the same. You do wonder if the fall even killed that large man, however your question is answered as you see the man running towards the car.

"TINA!" he shouts. must be a crazy fan.

Tina floors it and speeds off, leaving the man behind. You take a minute to regain your composure then finally ask Tina who that guy was.

"Oh that's just papa"

What? Papa? as in Father? Your thoughts are more confused now. You then reevaluate the situation. You are being chased by Tina's dad... Who sent you a message on your profile page.... "He's gonna kill me" you spout unconsciously

"I won't let that happen." Tina says with a smile.

You both finally arrive at what seems to be a training gym. Tina kept smiling as she enters the gym with you. Inside, you see many punching bags and even a wrestling ring. It seems like the place is almost empty though as only a few people, counting yourself are here.

"Wait here a sec, We'll be expecting company" Tina says

Company? Oh no. You realize the meaning of Tina's words, that big guy is gonna be here soon. You don't know what to do, you can't hide forever. You decide you need to stand your ground so you wait for him to arrive.

You then hear the sound of a very loud motorcycle outside. You see Tina's dad from before on it getting off walking towards the front door. You just stand near the doorway as he walks towards you.

"Where's Tina?" he ask

You don't answer and assume a fighting stance. even without Tina, you believe you can take him on.

"Ha! that's funny. So you think you can beat the Legendary Bass Armstrong?!?" he shouts as his voice is echo'd through the gym. "If you think you can, step in the ring".

He gets in the ring as you follow behind him. There's no ref so you just stand at your corner watching bass stretch out.

"I'm gonna put the hurting on you today smallfry!" he shouts

You ready yourself as he stares at you. You get ready to charge at him when Tina jumps in the ring in front of you.

"Howdy dad." Tina says in a monotone voice.

She was now wearing a blue spandex westler suit with "DWA" written in yellow on the chest and on the side of the legs, white gloves and boots and blue pads.

Tina! Nice to see you!" Bass says

You don't really get comfortable as they both start chatting away. They do stop soon and they finally battle each other. You want to fight but it looks like Tina has it all covered as you stay on the apron as she fights Bass. She seems to have weaken bass already as she wants to finish him off. She whips Bass to your corner and then slaps your hand.

"Tag!" she says

You jump into the ring as Tina has already positioned Bass in the middle. She has already set him up in a suplex.

"Go on the Other end" she tells you as you move to that position.

With a big heave, you both pick Bass up holding him up in mid-air for a second before sending him crashing down to the mat.

You both go in for the pin.

"1!...2!...3!!" Tina shouts pretending to ring the bell.

"We Won!" she tells you as she lifts your hand up.

You're still a little confused by the situation but it looks like it has been settled for now.

All three of you recover, visiting a restaurant Tina picked out. Tina's friend, Mila, works here so you all got a good discount. All of you start chatting away, mostly Bass kept talking about how he won his greatest matches before he retired. Seems like Bass took a liking to you as you both share some common interest, mostly motorcycles as you always wanted to have one.

"Well, Time for me to go" Bass says "Tina! remember to come home soon, I don't want to hear you trying to get a new job now."

"Oh don't worry papa. I've already became a Pro-Wrestler.... and a Model, a Movie Star, and a Rockstar. what more can I do now?" Tina told him chuckling.

"As long as you don't run for president or something" Bass says as he gets on his motorcycle and leaves.

"Might not be a bad Idea" Tina says out loud

You start laughing a bit at Tina's remarks. Tina then stares at you a bit then starts laughing too. She then suddenly pulls your head close to her and gives you a soft, tender kiss. You don't pull away but is surprised by what she did. Tina just winks at you giggling.


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