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The Briefcase | RicoLouis | 27


“That the best you can do?” Agent Castle said as they looked at the satellite image. Now that Shin had come out into the open they had been able to track him using the radioactive isotopes that the Special Forces team had tagged him with the radioactive bullets. The signal however had trouble tacking him when he went indoors but they had followed him since the park.

“Yeah, you will have to us hand units inside.” The tech said.

“I want everyone using hollow point rounds. Go in using dazzlers first, if that doesn’t work switch to tasers and flash bangs.” The hollow points packed more stopping power; he figured since Jewel had died of blunt force trauma they might do the trick if that didn’t work the dazzlers attached to the gun should blind him. “I want or sniper teams in place as well covering every exit, heavy ordinance only anti material rifles if they see a flying man I want him taken down immediately.”

“Yes sir.” His ordinance officer said as he went off to get the weapons and secondary teams ready.

He turned looking at the eight agents assigned to his clean up team. Despite his protest Agent Knight had been assigned to join the team. She was excellent at tracking but he did see her as a killer which was what he needed right now.

“Move in teams of two, Agent Knight you’re with Agent Prince. You’ll be going in the back.” He said looking at her then over to Prince who was a slime tall agent. Many people underestimated Prince because of his size.

“Don’t worry new girl I will take care of you.” Agent Prince said rolling a coin between his fingers.

“Agent Duke and Bishop will take the roof and work your way down.” He said to the gruff looking old timer and the massive Hawaiian who looked like.

“Agent Drake and Griffin. You will cover the perimeter if he gets past us I want you to take him out.”

“Agent McQueen you’re with me you got the briefcase.” He said looking at the redhead agent. He was reluctant to bring it along since if they were close enough his on agents would be just human.

“Plan clothes only from here on in, ground teams will use taxis for approach.


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