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The Briefcase | RicoLouis | 24


Angelica Gomez looked at the number on her phone as she set in the dinner looking over the laptop and sipping her coffee. Her and Detective Sihn where not always on the best of terms her being a reporter who didn’t always play by the rules and him a by the book cop didn’t mix well but he was an honest cop and that was what she needed right now. It had all started when she was running from Mr. Easton’s men. That was when she took the pills that healed her. That was also where she had bumped into Edward Jewels who had killed so many, everyone she talked to who had been at the scene had given wild and bizarre stories though the police department was tight lipped on what had happened the official story was a mad man with explosives and body armor.

A lot of strange things had been going on all over town since. Yesterday alone police had found a dozen dead at a drug den and all of them killed by blunt force trauma. A large sum of money had vanished out of a vault across town in the middle of the day. A local jewelry store had a similar yet smaller crime and nothing was caught on tape in either robbery. Then the kicker was the pawn shop burning down. The fire fighters said that the cause of the fire had been the owner had caught fire being at the center of the blaze though they would know more after the official investigation.

She had looked up similar cases of people catching fire and found a few cases going back to five years ago when several crime bosses in Miami started dying. Federal agents had tracked the arson to a house but he and one of the agents died in the blaze while the junior agent managed to escape the fire. There where similar bizarre cases that had happened around the same time all of which ceased just as abruptly as they had begun. The original case which she had to do a little hacking to find any info on was when some debris and the body of Rachel Winters floated ashore after being missing at sea for five years. Though the corners reports where mostly deleted she was able to find out a little about her. She was a secretary who had vanished with her then boss Joseph Hunter on his yacht. She dialed the number but got his voice mail, he must have his phone off for some reason.

“Detective Shin its Angelica, I need to talk to you about a case I am working, a lot of strange shit is going on and or mutual friend in the morgue said you might know something.”


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