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Rise of the Witch Queen | WaterMage | 1


Shairi swore under her breath. Anger bubbled inside her, and she’d reached a decision that would change her life. She was leaving her teacher.

As always, she’d slept naked, and now she looked herself up and down in the mirror, admiring her body. It was slender and athletic. She had light brown hair, cut mannishly short. Her breasts were not huge, but were neat handfuls that perfectly fitted her petite frame.

And she was a half-elf – it didn’t take a glance at her gently pointed ears to reveal that. You could tell by the way her body had the graceful delicacy of an elf, without the apparent fragility. At 19, her body had just reached maturity as a human’s would, but now it would age more slowly, although not as slowly as a near-immortal true elf’s.

‘A body built for laying’ her mistress had called it. And that was the prejudice – born of a lust that brought two species together, half-elves were supposed to be innately wanton creatures, happy to bed anyone. And Shairi couldn’t deny there might be some truth in the stories. Her fingertips brushed her pussy lips – naturally almost bare, with only a small tuft of downy hair above them – and she felt herself begin to moisten. But there was no time for her usual morning masturbation session today.

The reputation of half-elves had got them into a lot of trouble over the years. True elves despised them as impure mixes of blood, and believed that their only place was in brothels. Shairi had read that in the cities of the High Elves it was perfectly legal to rape a half-elf, and they could be easily enslaved. As for the humans… well, they didn’t officially condemn them to be whores, as the Church of Light frowned on all forms of sex, but they did consider half-elves to be fit only for servants and drudges, which usually amounted to the same thing.

Then again, maybe the lustfulness that afflicted Shiari and her sisters was hereditary. When she was old enough to understand, her mother had told her story. Shiari had found it exciting, arousing… but ultimately, to her it was a cautionary tale. In fact, when she thought of her mother, the phrase ‘dumb slut’ sprung to mind.


What happens next?

          Shairi's family background.


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