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The Slut Family | acorn142 | 10


"Mark has lived a rather sheltered life," Professor Clark explains. "We homeschooled him until graduation, and now he is attending this private, all-male college."
You nod, wondering what this has to do with you.
"I'm telling you this," he continues, "because Mark isn't like the guys here at this school. He hasn't been exposed to the cultural things that we thought would lend themselves toward distracting him from his education."
You continue to nod, still wondering what this has to do with you.
"So I just want you to understand, Bryan, that I'm putting a lot of trust in you to pick up Mark and get him home without any problems," Professor Clark continued, driving home the point he was trying to make. "He is an impressionable young man, and I won't have 21 years of diligence squandered because of some bad decisions."
You assure the professor that his confidence is well placed, but at the same time, you wonder how on earth he arrived at the conclusion that you were the guy for this assignment. Your reputation for living a "sheltered life" was laughable. Nevertheless, you figure that even someone such as yourself can manage to stay out of trouble for a couple of hours.
As you wait in the terminal for Mark's arrival, you consider again the importance of Professor Clark's instructions. As hot as Mark's picture is, you make up your mind that you are not going to try anything. It's just not worth it. Besides… there's absolutely no indication that he has anything for guys, anyway.

You are curious, though, to see just how straight-laced this guy turns out to be. In your experience, guys who grow up under such rigid parental rules either end up being totally clueless about the world, or they rebel big time, looking for any opportunity to pull free from the chains. You wonder just which of those personalities Mark will prove to be.

You look up and see Mark arrive from the jetwalk. You gulp. He is even hotter in person than his picture suggested. You approach him, extending your hand and introducing yourself. Mark grabs your hand with a firm grip and gives you a friendly smile. Each of you grab a bag and head to the car.

As you drive from the airport, the two of you hit it off easily, talking about school and life in general. Abruptly, Mark turns to you and says, "Hey, I only just met you, but I wonder if I could ask you something…."


what does he ask?

          can you help me get laid?


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