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The Cuckolder | SparkyMan | 2


Josh was milling about the house, readying it for the first phase of his overhaul. He was throwing out trash, and clearing space, so that he could work on the most important room first … the bedroom.

After hauling out his fifth bag of trash to the oversized container in the back, Josh heard the front doorbell. He brushed his hands across his chest, cleaning the dirt and dust from himself as he did so. He briefly wondered who it could be as he approached the door. As he grabbed the handle, he made a mental note to replace the door, and make sure it had a wide angle peep hole. Dusting himself once more on his thighs, Josh opened the door.

“Welcome to Stillwater Basin.” A bright and bubbly smile greeted him as he eyed the petite brunette holding a pie in her outstretched arms. Her vivacious smile lit up her rosy face, causing an instant awareness in Josh. He eyed the five foot two figurine that couldn’t have weighed more than a hundred pounds. Her low-scooped sweater accentuated her rather large breasts, which stood straight out. She was wearing black spandex pants, revealing her slightly wide, curvaceous hips.

“God, I’d split her in half,” Josh thought to himself. Just then he realized there was a gentleman standing behind her. He was a rather plain looking gent, maybe five-ten, a hundred eighty. He was dressed in casual jeans and a light flannel shirt. His smile was equally as warm as the lady’s. “Why thank you,” Josh replied as he took the offered pie. “Why, don’t you come on in?”

Josh told the couple to excuse the mess, as he made his way back to the kitchen, the couple following close behind. Upon reaching the kitchen, Josh looked around for somewhere to put the pie. Finding no place immediately available, Josh pushed a pile of tools, boxes, and gadgets aside, setting the plate upon the counter. Turning back to the couple, Josh extended his hand, “Josh.”

The couple was introduced as Lee and Brian Holcomb. They were Josh’s neighbor to the right. Josh offered a cup of coffee which they eagerly accepted. Small talk ensued while the coffee was brewing and Josh cleared the kitchen table, offering his guests a seat. They brought Josh up to speed about the previous residents, and a couple of the other neighbors. Josh told them of his plans for the house, and how eager he was to meet everyone in the neighborhood.

Josh served the java and took a break, to sit down with the friendly couple. His eyes caught Lee’s ogling gaze on numerous occasions. He sporadically looked at Brian, so that his desires weren’t blatantly obvious.

Lee got up to fetch the pie and serve it. Josh admired the tight, firm, round ass that swayed inside the black pants. He looked hard, but did not find any trace of panty lines, which made him wonder. Brian asked what Josh did for a living, and Josh merely replied that he was retired. Both Lee and Brian’s eyes lit up, as they wondered how a young, single man could be retired already. It wasn’t until Lee had set the plates down and sat down herself, that Brian had made the connection.

“Josh! Josh Ruben! You’re Josh Ruben aren’t you?”

Josh acknowledged the connection, “Yea, that’s me,”

Brian’s eyes were aglow now as he shrieked, “Honey, you know who this is?” He looked back at his questioning wife. “It’s Josh Ruben. He was quarterback in the NFL. He had the highest quarterback rating three years straight, until his front line got too old to protect him!”

Josh was amazed at Brian’s perceptiveness, but he was right. Josh also watched the transformation in Lee’s face. He sensed the power once again. When women found out who he was, they simply lusted after him. Lee was obviously no different. Josh could tell she was drifting off into a fantasy world even though Brian was animatedly detailing Josh’s career.

The small talk ensued as they finished their plates. Lee did less talking, and more staring once Brian had made the connection. Brian had become the conversationalist, talking about football, and all the other typical *stuff* that non-athletes love to talk about. Josh continued making eye contact with Lee, smiling as he did so, pushing her deeper into her fantasy world.

By the time the couple left, Brian had offered to help Josh with some things around the house, and in exchange, Josh could help him finish the remodeling in his basement.

Josh resumed the task at hand, excited by the new prospects in the neighborhood. He fell into a restful sleep, ready to attack the next day.


Continue on the house, go see Lee, wait for Brian, check out the other neighbors?

          Start on the bedroom ...


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