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The Slut Family | Zack12 | 3


As you consider your options for how to spend your day, your phone rings, and to your surprise, it is your old high school friend Stephen. The two of you hit it off from the start when Stephen's family moved to town your freshman year. You haven't heard much from high the past year, though, since you went off to college, and he stayed in the area to work.

Vanessa pauses in her oral ministrations between your legs long enough to look up inquiringly, wondering if she should let up while you are on the phone. With a wave of the hand, you tell her to keep going. This wouldn't be the first phone call you've taken while Vanessa is busily sucking on your tool.

"Hey, Stephen," you say, eager to reconnect with your friend. At the sound of Stephen's name, Vanessa looks up again, while keeping her lips wrapped around your erection. Stephen had told you that he had taken Vanessa out a time or two over the past year while you were at school. "Vanessa is here and would say hi, too, but she is too well mannered to speak with her mouth full."

Aron chuckles at this news. "Tell her hi, and try not to wear her out too much. She's my date to my cousin's wedding next weekend, and I have plans that involve those lips of hers."

"I'll be sure to tell her," you say, feeling yourself really getting turned on at the thought of Vanessa taking her turn between you and Stephen all summer long. You would definitely have to line up a threesome at some point before heading back to campus.

"So what's up?" you ask. "What are you doing to keep busy these days?"

"Funny you should ask," he says. "I've been working at a place downtown called the Party Bus."

You had heard of the place. They had several customized buses and rented them out for
parties. This place had a reputation for arranging some pretty wild events.

Stephen continues. "Well, we have two events coming up tonight, and we are short-staffed. I wondered if you'd be interested."

You are intrigued. "Tell me more."

"Well, one event is a bachelorette party. You know the kind. The other event is a costume party with an adult theme."

You are very interested and ask Stephen how you fit into this.


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