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Create a Wrestler | lilguy | 162


It was the FINAL match of the tourmanet and Tanya Steven came out to a roaring crowd. She had a bag full off autograph soccers balls over her shoulder. She was wearing a small Sport shirts of her son's Soccer Team and a very short skirt no panties. She tossed the balls to the crowd as the cheered her out. Her breast were peaking through the shirt

She leaped in to face her oppodent

It was

Name: Alexandar Scar
Age: 39
Height: 6'8"

Biography: Alexandar is a new wrestler to the league, but never underestimate him. He's incredibly muscled, and if he gets a good grip on you, and you just happen to be a girl, you're screwed. Quite literally. Mainly, he leans towards fighting the girls. He always loves a good "fight."

Alex faught a long hard fight and had a look of determination in his eyes.

"Ready Hansome" Tanya Said

"Always" Alex Said


what type of fight do they fight?

          Ironwoman match


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