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Furry pirates on Monster Islands Sea | Sixth | 2


The Bison captained one of the most terrifying ships on the seas; the Bone Smasher.

The Bone Smasher was a huge ship, with many decks, each one bristling with canon and harpoon and sailed with five different masts in place along the deck. The Bone Smasher was said able to take on three navy ships at once or two of the Equine Collective's Thunderstorm class battleships.

Despite its size and because of the rows of huge sails the Bone Smasher was able to deploy it was able to speed out of trouble on those very rare times Black Hooves found himself badly out numbered.

As his ship towered above others so Black Hooves towers over furrykind. As tall as any horse, Bison pushed well beyond 7 foot and the pirate captain was broad too.

Two curled horns arched out of his head and his body was covered in blue fur, a rare but not unknown colour for bison from the north. In stark contrast to the blue hue of his fur are the obsidian black hooves that bare his massive bulk and give him his name.

It was said that the ship shook whenever the bison was angry and that his cloven feet had once kicked a whole through the side of an imperial canine freighter.

It was also said that Black Hooves demands immediate surrender from any merchant ship he caught. Unless the rival captain lowers their sail, drops anchor and when they caught site of the Bone Shaker that they would be split in two by the musclebound pirate.

Many things are said about the captain of the Bone Smasher and only some of them are true. You are in better position than most to know the truth because you are on board the infamous ship.

The question is; who are you?


What sort of furry are you and why are you on board the ship?

          Kev, the young wolf cabin boy


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