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Mega-Mom and Accu-Lad | the_dude79 | 3


Tendril waited in the darkness of the wharehouse for Mega-Mom, she hoped the meddlesome superheroine would follow the clues that led here. Tendril had been on a job for one of the crime bosses in Duck City when Mega-Mom had interfered, she’d be caught, sentenced and locked up. Luckily she’d managed to work together with Mirror and Dr K to break out. Now she planned to take care of Mega-Mom first so that the heroine could not interfere with her work.

Tendril saw the shadow of a feminine form on the wharehouse floor, peering out from her location among the crates she looked down. In the dim light from the outside, she saw it was Mega-Mom. The villainess waited until Mega-Mom was past her position, then when she lept down landing behind Mega-Mom. Tendril’s left arm quickly turned into a long whip which she lassoed around Mega-Mom.

“What the!” Mega-Mom exclaimed feeling the whip wrap around her. Looking down the heroine saw it cinch tightly around her waist. She realized that she’d found Tendril or more accurately Tendril had led her here. The heroine turned around and grabbed at the whip trying to pull it off. “Tendril, why are you doing this? I was hoping you’d reform in prision.”

“Reform?” Tendril laughed. “Look at me what kind of normal life do you think I can have? Can you see me with a job and a family? No! I’m a freak.” Tendril raised her voice angerly.

“I’m sorry, but there must be something you can do.” Mega-Mom said finding that she couldn’t get her fingers between the whip coiled around her to get leverage to pull it off her waist.

“Like what? Do you know how I became like this? I used to be a successful employee at the metallurgy factory. Then there was the accident, a tank being used to make a new liquid metal that could form into shapes to fit different gaps broke and spilled. I was trying to stop it from destroying the factory floor and killing others. My left arm was covered in the stuff and it felt like it was burning my skin. I ended up in the hospital for months full of painkillers. They stopped the pain but couldn’t get the substance off my arm. When I was released from the hospital I had a message from the company firing me. Then the insurance bills started coming. I tried appealing the termination, I tried applying for other jobs with my experience, no one would hire me. All they did was stare at my arm.”

Mega-Mom finally got her fingers underneath the whip and she started to loosen it as Tendril talked.

“No one out there appreciated my abilities. It wasn’t until I found out that I could change my arm and use it as a tool that someone did. I started being paid to break into place, intimidate people, or eliminate them. When I showed that I was good at it the pay increased. So I am doing what I am appreciated for.”

Mega-Mom pulled the whip off her hips and saw the surprised look on Tendril’s face as she ran towards the villainess. Mega-Mom started swinging her fist, intent on knocking Tendril to the ground. As she neared Tendril though she saw she wasn’t quite fast enough, Tendril’s arm was changing into a large shield. Just as Mega-Mom reached Tendril it was fully formed and Mega-Mom hit the shield with her fist and her shoulder. The shield held and Mega-Mom stumbled backwards from the impact.

Tendril saw Mega-Mom stumble backwards holding her fist. “I thought you might try something like that.” She walked towards Mega-Mom and swung the shield in a swiping motion, the shield connected with the Mega-Mom’s arm which was brought up to block it.

Mega-Mom winced as her arm absorbed the blow from the shield. Blocking out the pain the heroine swept her foot into Tendril’s legs striking the villainess below the knees and causing Tendril to fall to the floor.


Who will gain the upper hand in this fight?

          Tendril surprises Mega Mom


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