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The shop-keeper | Gokky | 1


Zaid celebrated his fiftieth birthday last week. He had a good deal to be proud about, since coming to England from Somalia twenty five years ago with his wife Jamilia and their two eldest children, they had had four more children. All his children were healthy and successful, all had done well at school and although he had to work hard and long hours at his three shops, they provided him and his family with a good income and their house and car were the envy of many.

Zaid was a respected member of the community and he had many friends both within his community and also within the English people who frequented his shop.
Why then was Zaid frustrated? Unfortunately for Zaid, Jamilia though a loyal and loving wife, had no interest in sex. Sex, in Jamilia’s opinion was for procreation, not particularly for enjoyment. She disapproved of the English girls and women who visited their shops wearing revealing clothes and forbade her sons to yield to temptation and seek enjoyment with white girls. Zaid and Jamilia’s daughters did not act or dress like the white girls. They had respect for themselves and dressed accordingly as befit their customs and their religion.

Zaid was happy that his daughters behaved themselves in this way; it proved that he and his wife had been good parents. He did suspect that his sons had taken pleasure in some of the white girls who they had met in his shops or at school or college. Zaid did not however, forbid his sons from using white girls, as long as they understood that the girls from their own community were not be insulted in this way.

Zaid had resisted the temptations of white women for twenty five years. He could not refrain any longer. He had to ram his Somali cock up an obedient tight white ass, he had to hold a white girl's (hopefully blond) head as he shot his Somali sperm down her throat and he just HAD to ram his thick black cock in a sweet, young English cunt and fill it with Somali baby juice.

The question was how was he to take his pleasure in this supply of compliant and acquiescent white women presented to him daily, without his family and community knowing? How could he fuck his way through the many English women who flaunted their bodies whilst being so close to Zaid that he could see their gorgeous white breasts, their pink nipples pointing against their white blouses and so temptingly, he could almost see their shapely white bottoms as they bent down to get the newspapers Zaid conveniently placed on the floor facing his counters.


How does Zaid proceed?

          He chooses Judy, his shop assistant

          He chooses Janet, a nearby petrol station manager


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