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The Shrink Ray | HalHalerson | 4


You frantically pull your cellphone out of your pocket to dial 911 but you find that it no longer works. Your heart is racing. What's happening to me? You think. You're scared and alone. Where is Laura?? You scream over and over but get no answer. You dash over to the front door of the house. You can see underneath the crack between the door and the floor. EVERYTHING is huge!!! The whole world has grown or you have shrunk!! You must be hallucinating... this must be a dream!! You wang yourself in the head and pinch yourself but nothing wakes you. This is real life alright... but how can this be??? What the hell was in that beer? Am I on LSD? you wonder. You start thinking about bugs, and how big they will be. Should I go outside? should I try to find help? Your mind races with panic.

For what seems like hours you pace around, unsure of what to do. You marvel at the size of all the objects in your house. Finally you decide that maybe if you go to sleep, all of this will go away. You walk over to the couch and claw your way up onto it. It's like climbing a big soft cliff. You lay down on a giant pillow and drift off, hoping to wake up in a normal world...

You wake up several hours later and look up. You gasp. It's Laura, standing in front of the couch in your living room. She is tremendous! You look down at yourself in a panic. you're still tiny! Everything is still huge! What the hell is going on??!!

"Drank that beer in the fridge, huh?" The giant Laura asks, smiling.

"What the hell is going on?!!" You demand.

Laura laughs. You tremble... her voice is terrifying and confident and large. It's very unnerving. "I've invented a new chemical compound," she says. "I won't get into the details but essentially, it's like having a shrink ray. I tested it on you, and it worked!!"

"WHAT THE HELL??!! You SHRANK me? GET ME BACK TO NORMAL SIZE!! I'm not some lab rat!!!"

Laura cackles at your tiny protest. She steps toward the couch towering over everything in your little world. "You know... I've put up with your abuse for years now. And I've been putting up with it for too long. I've been working on this for 2 years and it's finally paid off. Now I have you. And now you're going to pay for the way you've been treating me."

You look up at her in horror. This giant is now threatening you. She leers over you, staring down at you with angry, beautiful blue eyes. Her firm breasts seem like mountains, her long, slender smooth legs like massive trees. Her delicate torso is powerful and sexual. You've definitely been shrinking more - as you look up at the beautiful giantess you realize you're about the size of her index finger.

"You should be about done shrinking," She says. "And guess what? There's no way to reverse the effects. You're going to be the size of my finger forever." She extends her giant middle finger toward you. She walks right up next to the couch. She's wearing tight short shorts and a tight t-shirt, showing her midriff. Her belly button is the size of your head... You look up at her massive, smooth and sexual legs and tremble with fear. You look up at her face, elegant, beautiful, and terrifyingly huge, and swallow hard. You're overcome with terror, and the thought that you might be this way forever.

"You are now my slave" Laura says, "and you will do what I say for the rest of your life. Or else you will be very, very sorry". She cackles loudly...


Do you try to run?

          Yes!! Run for your life!!


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