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Lady Augusta of Evian | brainysmurfette | 3


Instead of trying for the umpteenth time to convince your father of the, well, yuckiness of the situation, you decide to go to Dorian himself and beg him to take pity on you. Surely he would realize what a mistake it would be for siblings to wed. Cousins were fine, but siblings??

You find your brother breakfasting in the Great Hall.

"Dorian, I have something I want to discuss with you," you say, being as forceful as possible for a meek, oppressed woman.

"Certainly, Augusta. Won't you join me?" asks the dashing Dorian, rising and pulling out a velvet-cushioned chair. He is the perfect male specimen: a face of high cheekbones, chiseled jaw, flawless skin, perfectly-shaped nose and piercing, emerald green eyes, all topped by a mop of silky, brown curls. His tunic stretches over his muscular chest and arms, and his breeches do little to hid the other... gift... the gods have bestowed upon him.

"Thank you kindly, but I am not hungry. Please, hear me out. Father refuses to listen to my rationale, so you are my last hope. I need you to be on my side, Dorian. You know how badly I wish to be free of his order for us to wed. Surely you feel the same way. A brother and a sister must not marry. It simply is not done! Please, Dorian, I'm begging you. Please, set me free!" You stand strong, fighting back tears as you await your brother's response.

"Dear sister, I may be able to remedy the situation, but for a price..."

Your heartbeat quickens at the possibility of a way out.

"Augusta, sweet sister, you are, by far, the most beautiful lady in all of Evian," continues Dorian. "I am a generous person, however, and I am willing to give up a life of marriage to you, but only under this one condition: You must share my bed with me tonight. You must submit to me and obey my orders, as if we were husband and wife. As soon as morning comes, though, you will be free. It is your decision, Augusta."


Do you accept his offer?



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