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The Sex Files. | Bison | 2


A little over half an hour later Dana pulled up on the corner. Exiting her car she noted the run down appearance of the neighbourhood. Nearby so children
were playing hop scotch, nimbly avoiding a heap of trash that had accumulated on the kerb. Apart from them the street was virtually deserted. The
one thing that Scully did notice was the strip of yellow 'Do not cross' Police tape strung across the entrance to a nearby building. Did that have anything
to do with the missing persons? Carefully she ducked the tape and made her way past the broken door which hung open limply from its hinges.

Inside was dingy and dirty. Faded wallpaper slowly peeled from the walls and underfoot what passed for a carpet was tacky and grimy. Slowly Dana made her way along the hall. Each of the rooms she looked in bore a similar tale, and were largely empty save for a few bits of broken furniture.
Upstairs it was the same story, but there Dana found out why the building had been taped off. In several of the rooms there were white taped outlines,
and blood stains on the walls and carpets. Also there were the remains of what looked like chemistry kits. A crack house. A conflict amonst gangers maybe,
she thought, and a shoot out. Suddenly Dana realised that there were no bullet holes, and several circular burn marks in the walls amongst the blood stains,
and again in the carpet. That was odd. Guns would've been the weapon of choice for angry gangers. She looked more closely at one of the burn marks. Its interior
had an almost glassy quality, like it had been exposed to some extreme heat. nothing that she could think of might've caused this type of damage. Taking a sterile rod and a small vial from her pocket she collected some of the cinders from the edge of one of the burn marks for analysis back at the Bureau.

Dana descended the creaking stairs once more and was about to leave when a small door caught her eye. Opening it revealed another set of stairs going down.
A basement. Taking a torch from her pocket she made her way down. The basement was even dirtier than the main house. Cobwebs hung everywhere and it seemed
unlikely that anyone had been down there recently and she was about to leave when she noticed scrape marks in the dirty floor. Cautiously she followed them
over to a stack of boxes against one wall. Inside were a selection of old newspapers. One by one Dana pulled them aside, and soon a man sized hole was
revealed. Shining her torch she peered inside, but all she could tell was that it slowly descended. She thought for a moment; It would probably be better if she waitied to get a team out here. But, then again, if Mulder were there he'd have shot down the hole to moment he found it. Knowing she was alone in the building she
decided to press on and find out exactly where this hole lead.

Dana started downwards, but no soon had she gone twenty feet than her foot suddenly hit what felt like ice. It slithered back n forth and her hands shot out
to grasp the wall to steady herself. All they found though were a cool glassy surface devoid of handholds. With a yelp Dana tumbled over, her torch slipped
from her grasp, and she slithered rapidly downwards into pitch darkness!


What will she find?


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