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Rocketgirl | 11kestrels | 11


Lindsey turned where Melissa told her to, and the girls made a bee line straight for Helda's house. Melissa felt excited about the whole thing. She couldn't gey enough of Helda. It was almost like she became addicted to her she was so lost in bher love for the woman. She could tell Lindsey felt the same way, and she loved Lindsey too which would probably make this the perfect love triangle. She could even imagine Lindsey pregnant, her cute little breasts lazily leaking milk down Melissa's chin as she suckled on them. Lindsey had already begun fantasizing the same thing about Melissa when she first found out Melissa was pregnant, which is why she started entertaining the idea of being pregnant with Melissa.

The car pulled up in front of Helda's house, and both girls got out and walked up to the front door. Melissa rang the doorbell, and Helda soon answered.

"Hey Melissa, I didn't expect to see you until tomorrow" she said, smiling at both girls. "Why don't you two come on in?"

The girls entered, and Helda closed the door behind them. Helda went out to her kitchen and brought back something for the three of them to drink. "So what brings you two here?" she asked as she sat the drinks on the coffee table in front of them.

"Please don't get mad at me" Melissa began. "I let it slip to Lindsey that you're my baby's father. Well, Lindsey and I have done everything together for as long as we've known each other. We're like sisters."

Helda sat there taking it all in, not sure where Melissa was going with it at first. Then she saw the lust and curiosity in both girls' eyes. "I think I understand" she said, patting Melissa's hand. "You both want to be pregnant together, and both of you want me to be the father."

"Yes, that about sums it up" said Melissa. "You don't have a problem with that, do you?"

"Sweetie, I don't have a problem with it" she turned to Lindsey. "Are you sure you want this?"

Lindsey shook her head enthusiastically. "I'm very sure. I love Melissa, and I'm sure I can love you, too."

"I know I can love the both of you" said Helda. "You two will be spending the night with me. I may even move you both in with me so we can have lots of fun as your pregnancies develop. Would you both like that?"

Both girls looked at each other, and smiled. "Yes, we would like that" answered Melissa.

"You don't have to worry about school tomorrow. I'll get you both excused. That way you can get accustomed to your new environment." She looked over at Lindsey. "The living room is no place to conceive a baby. Why don't you both follow me up stairs? I have a great big waterbed that will hold the three of us comfortably. And what I want to do to both of you will drive you crazy with lust."

Helda turned and walked up the steps, motioning with one finger and a sexy smile for them to follow.


What does Helda have in store for the two girls?

          Helda gets Melissa and Lindsey into bed


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