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Rocketgirl | 11kestrels | 11


"Noooo! Please!" begged Melissa, "I don't want to be pregnant!" She squirmed and strained, but while she was unconscious she found that she had been strapped securely to the table. She couldn't move any part of her body.

"You have to understand Melissa, you are the Chosen One" the doctor said as she grabbed hold of both of Melissa's ample, succulent breasts. "You will have a baby with me, Carolyn, and Helda. You are perfect breeding stock. We even have our sights set on your roommate Lindsey. Both of you will bear our children, female or shemale, so that our line can continue."

"What does Lindsey have to do with this?" Melissa was a bit horrified to hear they were also after her best friend.

"You and Lindsey both are perfect genetic matches that guarantee an almost ninety per cent possibility of giving birth to a shemale." Doctor Scarlett paused. "Don't you see the unique opportunity you're presented with? You can help rebuild a dying breed, you and Lindsey both. We just want you to breed with us. We'd like for you to do that willingly, but as you see we had to resort to drastic measures." She caressed Melissa's breasts."I'm really sorry it has to be like this, but you gave us no choice when you refused Helda's advances. We're desperate."

"it doesn't have to be like this" said Melissa. "We could donate our eggs to you. I'd be willing to, and I'm sure Lindsey would, too."

"It's not just the eggs, Melissa. They also need to be nurtured in the womb, a womb that will accept them. Your womb and Lindsey's womb will accept them because your genetic makeup is right. Don't you realize you, or Lindsey, could have been born as shemales as well?"

Melissa lay there, trying to take all this in at once. She could see the sadness and sincerety in Scarlett's eyes that was missing during her encounter with Helda. The thought tha she could have been born as a shemale somehow made sense to her. "I take it that's what the swab tests were all about the school nurse gave us a couple of months ago?" she asked.

"Exactly right" the doctor told her. "We were looking for genetic matches. There are three others at the school besides you and Lindsey, but one's an addict, the other a troublemaker, while the third is already pregnant, and not to one of us" she quickly added. "So you see, that leaves you and Lindsey."

Melissa breathed and sighed. Then she thought about what her children might be like, especially if they were endowed with her super abilities. There was always that chance. "You don't have to restrain me. I'll do it, willingly. I give you my word."

Doctor Scarlett smiled down at her. "That makes all the difference in the world. I believe you."

"But there's something else I need to tell you in the strictess of confidence." Melissa knew she was about to take a big chance in saying what would come next.

"You gave me your word" said Scarlett. "Now I'll give you mine. Doctor/patient privilege is sacred. So anything you tell me goes no farther than this exam room."

Melissa took a deep breath, not sure if she was doing the right thing or not. Then she blurted it out. "I'm Rocket Girl. So these babies you want me to have with each of you could be endowed with special abilities."

Doctor Scarlett raised an eyebrow in surprise. "I never would have guessed in a million years, but don't worry, your secret is safe. We have a deal. I'm going to release your restraints now. I'd rather make love with you willingly than to force you." She climbed off of Melissa and released all the restraints holding her. She helped her to her feet. "Now where were we?" she asked Melissa.

"I think we were about to make a baby" Melissa answered, smiling. "Part of me kind of liked the restraints, though." She winked at Scarlett.

"Would you like to be restrained?" Scarlett found herself asking.


What happens next?

          Yes, Melissa replies


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