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Debra Lafave's High School | LEZ BE FRIENDS | 3


You wander the halls, admiring all of the tight young flesh on display.

Carol Desmond, the art teacher notices you and approaches.

"You're the new one, right?" She asks.

You nod.

Miss Desmond's tight leather pants capture your attention. Apparently she isn't wearing panties, because you can see the outline of her pussy pressing against her pants. Blood rushes down to your cock.

Feeling overcome with teenage lust, you grip the amulet around your neck and make a wish.

Miss Desmond reaches down and unbuckled your belt, seemingly without noticing. With a few small movements she whips out your cock and begins to jerk you off, right there in the middle of the hallway.

The students around you take no notice of the lewd act.

"How do you like our school so far?" Asks the teacher, as she unknowingly pumps your shaft with her fist.

You swallow, "Very nice, everyone seems so friendly!"

She smiles proudly, "We try to welcome everyone equally."

Miss Desmond kneels in front of you and points your cock at her face, continuing to pleasure you.

"Is there anything, anything at all, that I can help you with?"

You groan and begin to hump against her grip.


Your balls draw up, a second later you blow the largest load you ever have. Miss Desmond's face is splattered by several strings of hot semen, so much that her pretty face is quickly hidden from view. When every drop has been milked from you, she carefully uses her had to wipe you clean then tucks your cock away.

Miss Desmond rises to her feet, "You seem satisfied, but feel free to ask for me if you need anything. I'll be glad to help!"

She walks away with semen dripping down her chin onto her blouse. For some reason you aren't sure if it was magic, or if this school is just full of sluts.


And now?

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