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Rocketgirl | 11kestrels | 8


Melissa didn't know what to do, or say. She was speechless over the whole pregnancy issue. She knew the life growing inside her was sacred, because she respected all life. She only knew she had to give this new life a fighting chance to come into the world.

She looked at her friend. "I'm just a little upset about something. That's all. I'll figure it out, and everything will be fine."

Lindsey looked at her friend, and felt a strong urge to comfort her. She got up from her desk, and ran to Melissa, giving her a big, warm embrace. "Whatever it is you're going through, I'm here for you. I want you to know that. I'm your friend, and I care about you. You can lean on me."

Melissa started to cry as she clung tight to Lindsey. "I know. We're like sisters in a lot of ways. You don't know what you mean to me. But just know that I love you, and I'm here for you, too."

Lindsey suddenly got the urge to lift Melissa by the chin and kiss her. She did just that, then whispered, "I love you, too. More than you know."

Melissa returned her kiss and smiled at her. Lindsey always had a positive effect on her. "Then I'll tell you what's bothering me. But please don't tell anyone else. Okay?"

"I pinky swear, and cross my heart and hope to die" said Lindsey in reply.

Melissa looked around the room, as if the walls themselves were listening closely. "I'm pregnant. There, I've said it."

Lindsey smiled. "Well that's not so bad. Did you tell the father yet?"

"No, I haven't" Melissa stopped short. "I don't want to say who it is yet either, so please don't ask."

Lindsey held her close again. "It's okay. I don't need to know. That's between you and him. All I need to know is that I'm going to be an aunt! This is so exciting! I hope it's a girl!"

Lindsey's joy spilled over. She was infectious when she became overjoyed about something. It actually made Melissa feel better about being pregnant to see how she accepted it.

"Well aunt Lindsey, wanna go baby shopping sometime?" Melissa asked.

"We can go tomorrow!" she answered. "Right now I better get ready for geometry class. Don't worry. I'll cover for you." With that said, Lindsey gathered up what she needed. "An aunt!" she said as she opened the door. "I love you, Mel." She blew Melissa a kiss, and walked out.

Melissa decided it would be best if she at least made an appearance somewhere today, or everyone would start to wonder about her. She also thought it best to go and see Helda, and tell her about the results. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad after all. Maybe helda would be supportive, loving, and understanding. There was only one way to find out, just tell her.

Melissa drug herself into the bathroom and showered. She picked out a nice little peasant blouse and a knee length black skirt. she decided on a nice floral panty and bra set to wear underneath. A pair of white knee highs and loafers completed the outfit. She opened the door to her dorm room and looked around for the last time. She knew in her heart whatever happened, things would never be the same when she returned.

It wasn't that far of a walk to Helda's office, but to Melissa it seemed to take forever. When she finally arrived, she knocked on the door.

"Come in" called Helda's voice from inside.

Melissa opened the door, and walked into the office. She closed the door behind her. "I have something to tell you"she began.

Helda already seemed to know what was on her mind as she got up from behind her desk and came to Melissa's side. "Sweetie, I already know what you're going to say. I told you you would be. But just know this, I love you, and I love the fact that you're having our baby." Melissa started to cry, but Helda quickly caught her tears. She embraced the girl, and kissed her. "You'll make a great mother, and we'll have lots of beautiful babies together." She smiuled at Melissa. "Now why don't you get those clothes off? I've been thinking about you all day, and how much I miss you, and want you."

Melissa smiled and started to unbutton her blouse. She realized she also missed Helda.


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