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The Slut Family | zack12 | 4


You glance at the clock and realize you are running very late to class. You don't even have time to deal with your distracting erection.

You quickly throw on some clothes, grab your books, and rush out the door.

You walk into Professor Clark's history class about 20 minutes late and look around for a place to sit. You end up on the first row, between two people you don't even know... a somewhat chubby guy and a mousy girl who could look hot if she would do something different with her hair.

You notice Professor Clark is frowning at you somewhat, so you open your notebook and pretend to be concentrating very much on what he is saying, but you are so distracted by how horny you feel. You try to discreetly take a look around the classroom and see if there is anyone with whom you could have a quick score after class. You see several classmates who have been sexual with you to one degree or another since the start of the school year, and you see plenty more you would love to do something with. The question is whether this is the time to give it a try.

Finally the class comes to an end, and as you gather your books, you decide to make your move.


What's it going to be?

          Professor Clark asks to talk to you


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