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Thrust | kiahoga | 25


You move from House to House and cover to cover studying everything as you move farther into the deserted community. After several minutes you notice the first things that seems off to you, no bodies. There should still be some around and looking around you don’t see any bodies, or even animal carcasses, and even though carrion eaters would have come through and eaten there fill there should be something left.

You go over to a car that had crashed into the side of a house, its driver side door open, and look inside. You could see that there was blood all over the steering well and a dried blackened puddle on the floorboards. Certain whomever was driving this couldn’t have survived but where was the body. Everything was still and eerily quiet if this was a video game about now a group of zombie would rush you from around the building.

After another 10 minutes of not seeing anyone or anything you start coming to the main drag of this deserted town. You could see and Sheriff’s office the lights dark and its windows smashed out, and beside it was a little diner called Bettys. There was something really wrong going on here you’d decided and was about to turn back to the girls when on the breeze you caught the smell of cooking meat.

Apprehensive, but curios you look down the side street the smell was coming from and about 50 yards away you could see a Two story house with a Ham radio antenna beside it with what looked to be a little wooden house built in the front yard. It was from this little wooden shed the smell was wafting from judging by the smoke drifting up into the darkened sky.

You could also see a jacked up custom pickup with a camouflage paint job parked in the street in from of the house. Slowly you started to creep closer your heart pounding on your ears. After covering about 30 yards you could see what looked like a storm or root cellar next to the house its doors open, and you resist the urge to call out. At the end of what seemed like an eternity you reached the front yard of the residence and crouch down behind the wooden shack.

Resting your hand against the shacks wall you pull back at the heat emanating from clapboard. In a eureka moment, you realize that these people had built themselves a smoke house, but what where they smoking.
Looking through a knot hole you gasp in horror staring back at you was the blank eyes stare of a dead man.

Panicked, you realize you need to get out of here now before these cannibals find you when you hear..


What was that sound



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