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The Slut Family | acorn142 | 6


You park your car and begin the short walk toward the boys' fraternity house. The closer you get, the louder the music is. As you turn a corner, you see the K U M Fraternity House, lit up with a nice collection of people all around it. Almost every light in the building is on, and you can feel the vibrations of the music well before you get to the house.

As you walk up the steps to the front door, you are pleased to see several guys openly checking you out. One of them is a well-built junior who is busy making out with a girl right outside the front door. He isn't too busy to notice you, though, and you wink at him as you walk past them.

You step into the building, and it is stereotypical college party chaos. It is loud, crowded, and smells of a mixture of beer and smoke. The foyer is so crowded with people that you are getting bumped from every side. A couple of guys appear to intentionally bump into you, just to have a chance to feel your tits or your ass. You are very pleased that you still have this effect on young guys.

You pause, unsure of where your boys' room are. Upstairs it appears to be slightly more quiet than here. You look down the stairwell to the basement, and you can tell that it isn't very well lighted, but there are a lot of people down there. Twice since you have arrived, you have heard a chorus of male voices come from downstairs, shouting, "Show us your tits!" On this level, there are some dorm rooms down the hallway, and there is a large common room that is packed with dancing and trying-to-dance bodies.

You feel a hand on your shoulder and hear someone leaning in and yelling in your ear to be heard, "Can I help you with something?" You turn and see the young man who was checking you out earlier. You don't see the girl his was kissing anywhere around. You look him over, getting a better look at him in the light and without the girl blocking your view. He is definitely your type -- He is about 6'2", sandy-blonde hair, and gorgeous green eyes. He is wearing a tight-fitting t-shirt that reveals the fact that he is in good shape.

You lean in toward him, pretending you can't hear, just because you want to see the effect of your rubbing your breast against him. He repeats, "Can I help you with something?" but this time, his eyes are nowhere near yours; he is staring fixedly down your shirt.

The only way you are going to find your sons in this crowd is by going room to room or by asking for help. This guy might be just who you need. Then again, maybe you're not in such a hurry to find Aron and Bryan just yet....


What do you do?

          Ask him to get you a drink

          Tell him you are looking for Aron


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