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Debra Lafave's High School | LEZ BE FRIENDS | 5


Furiously pumping your meat, you can feel sperm bubbling up inside you. You quickly point yourself at Sofia Lopez and let loose. A stream of salty cum blasts through the air and lands on Sophia's short leather skirt, soon there are several streaks running down it.

The Spanish teacher looks at you in disbelief, her eyes briefly flash with anger.

"Look at the mess you have made," she says.

Miss Lopez quickly slides out of the skirt, leaving her lacy red panties visible to the ever growing crowd. Her long, tanned legs are a sight to behold. The two girls turn to the teacher. The smell of sex fills the air.

In a frenzy of lust, Jane leaps at Miss Lopez and begins kissing her thighs. The blonde girl joins in shortly after.

"Girls!" shouts Miss Lopez in surprise, "What are you doing?"

Jane looks up at Miss Lopez, "You've shown us so much," she moans, "It's only fair that we return the favor!"

Using only her mouth, Jane tears off the Spanish teacher's panties and spits them to the floor. Miss Lopez backs up against the wall but is unable to escape her students. A pair of tonnages dance up her legs toward her sex.

When Miss Lopez's cunt is reached by the lustful students, the confused teacher begins to moan almost instantly. She slides down the wall, her nails tear paint off the walls as they drag down. The sight of your new teacher being eaten out in public sends blood rushing down to your cock once more.

You jerk yourself off, this time pointing your cock at Miss Lopez's face. As the teacher reaches her first climax, her moans push you over the edge. Your second load of cum in the last half hour paints her face. A real work of art.

You wipe yourself clean on the teacher's face. As you zip up and walk away you can hear the girls bring Miss Lopez to another screaming orgasm.


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