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Debra Lafave's High School | LEZ BE FRIENDS | 3


Becky Mason, the shop teacher is alone in the classroom. Her black hair is cut short, she is wearing black eyeshadow with matching lipstick. A huge pair of tits strain against her belly shirt. Her leather pants are incredibly tight, her pussy lips are clearly outlined.

"Come on in, kid," She says, taking a drag of her cigarette.

She is working on a pretty nice looking sports car, the license plate says 'Pussy Wagon.'

"Where is everybody?" you ask.

Becky smiles, "You're the first here. I do need a volunteer for the class, you seem to be pretty ready. I volunteer you."

Your eyes widen. She leads you over to the front of the classroom. There is some big machine there, beneath a black sheet.

"Take off your panties," orders your teacher.

You reluctantly bend over and slide your cotton panties to the dirty floor. The room is beginning to fill with students and you unintentionally expose your bare ass to the other students.

With a flourish, Becky whips the sheet off. Beneath it is a large metal box with a saddle on top. She runs a hand across the shiny surface and looks at you.

"It looks like everyone is here," she says, "Take a seat."

You walk over to the machine and position yourself above the saddle. The machine is low to the ground and you have to kneel to seat yourself. The strange material brushes against your pussy.

Becky take some wires for the machine and drags them over to the car. She gets inside and plugs them into something, a second later the car starts. A faint buzzing escapes the machine beneath you.

The entire machine begins to rumble, there is a faint vibration in the saddle. The strange material seems to be attached to your pussy, pulling against your sensitive skin. You let out a gasp as the vibrations reach your sex.

The machine grows louder, the vibrations gets stronger. Your clit buzzes against the strange device. Faint bolts of electricity tickle you. Soon you are panting and grinding against the machine.

The class watches as you are pleasures by the machine. A pool of your juices lubricate you, but the saddles grip doesn't weaken, not even a little. You let out a cry as a mighty orgasm engulfs you.

You are sweating. Your skin glistens under the classroom lights. Your pussy pounds as you experience climax after climax. You black out for a moment but are awakened by another heart stopping orgasm.

After what feels like hours, the vibrations slow, then stop. You lift yourself up with your weakened legs and collapse on the floor.

"So," says the shop teacher, "Who is next?"


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