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Debra Lafave's High School | LEZ BE FRIENDS | 6


You can't tell for sure, but it doesn't look like any of the students in the classroom are wearing the telltale red shoes. Defeated, you feel your cock deflating. As you prepare to leave the room something catches your eye. In a flash you realise.

Carol Desmond, the art teacher, is wearing purple lipstick!

Blood rushes down to your cock once more; you feel a fresh hard-on emerging. You make your way to the front of the classroom, to the desk where Miss Desmond is seated. As you approach she looks at you and smiles.

"May I help you?"

You look into the redheaded teacher's eyes. Is there a hint of recognition there? Her pretty face fills your vision. Suddenly you notice a mark on her cheek, close to her fat lips. A smear of liquid. There is a faint odor, the familiar smell of cum. You can't tell if it's coming from your leaking cock or Miss Desmond's hot mouth.

The hot teacher, apparently not sure what to think of your silence, looks back at you and tilts her head slightly. Almost in a trance you unzip and whip out your half erect cock. The smile on her face fades, her eyes widen dramatically. She opens her mouth to speak, but nothing comes out.

The purple streaks across your cock clearly match her painted lips.

Your cock throbs and rapidly expands. Your heart pumps rapidly as you watch her realise that she has been discovered. Her sparkling eyes are glued to your seven inches of flesh.

"I-" she begins.

You push forward and rub your cock against her cheek, sticky precum stains her skin. She shudders.

Miss Desmond turns, unintentially spreading the mess on her face. She looks at the students in the classroom, apparently nobody has noticed what is going on. She turns back to you, your cock slides across her face until the head is throbbing against her lips.

You push forward again, you slowly make your way past her lips. She half closes her eyes and flicks her tongue across your cock. You continue to enter her mouth.

As you penetrate her, she sucks you in. Without a word from you she begins to bob on your cock. The hot, wet feeling is amazing.

Your cock is quickly coated with her saliva, some of it drips down her chin and falls to the floor. The saliva mixes with your precum and a fresh layer of purple lipstick. The hot teacher moans around your cock and you grit your teeth. Your balls tighten.

"I'm gonna-" you moan.

She pulls you out of her mouth and points you down at her cleavage. Her hand roughly jerks you off.

"You've painted my face enough for one day," she says, "But I'll let you come on my titties."

You let out a soft cry of ecstasy and blow a fresh, creamy load on your teacher's cleavage. Despite your earlier orgasm you seem to have produced even more cum, her skin glistens with your cream and her shirt stains. She dips a single finger into the puddle, scoops up some cum, and sucks the finger clean.

"Very impressive."


Wow. What now?

          she makes an offer


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