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Faeophobia | menoetes | 15


“Careful girls, I think something strange is… Oh!”

Paphia’s voice trails off as her gaze locks onto you, standing amid the strobing flashes of coloured light from the crystal, breathing heavily and quivering. You aren’t sure what the three Fae beauties are staring at, their stunningly bright eyes wide and their lips softly parting in wonder, and you don’t care. You feel good!

Your whole body is brimming with energy, and your limbs sing with restrained vitality, you hop a little on the spot in time with the music a like a prize fighter loosening up before a fight and grin at them. You feel like you could do a backflip, a dozen backflips! On your own little dorm-room dance-floor you begin to move with the beat…

Ariella is the first to respond, her body sashaying forward in time with music, her crystalline blue eyes locked on yours as she runs the soft tip of her tongue across her full rosy lips in anticipation. Her wide smile returns as she throws her long blue curls back over one shoulder and begins gyrating her delicious body; the impossible combination of a dancer’s toned slenderness and pornstar’s voluptuous curves, up against yours in time with heavy bass beat. Her smile is still full of flirty playfulness but now there is something else in it, something resembling a powerful, hungry fixation…

You both gasp as your bodies react to the others physical proximity with the sudden urgency of an alarm being triggered. You hair feels as though it is standing on end as a strange electrifying power arcs through every cell in your body and grounds itself on out in your crotch as though your cock were a lightning rod.

“Oh Jesus!” You gasp doubling over and seizing at your groin with both hands, as a terrible image of what had just happened to Mike flashes through your mind filling you with terror. “Oh Jesus, NO!!”

…but your cock doesn’t disappear, rather you feel it squirming within the confines of your jeans, moving like a thing alive and growing! The swelling, moving mass inside your pants quickly grows to fill all available space and begins to strain painfully against the denim material covering your lap. With shaking hands you tear your belt off then begin rip at the button and zipper, desperate to relieve the growing pressure down there. What the hell was going on?! What had Mike put in the freakin’ drinks!?

A high pitched squeal wrenches your attention away from your own ‘growing’ problems; you turn your pale sweating face up to see Ariella staring down at herself in shock. Your own eyes grow wide in disbelief as she changes before you.

Her spectacular breasts; already the huge size and perfect roundness of winter melons are ballooning out the front of her slender torso, increasing in both dimension and volume. The thin fabric of her small brightly coloured top tears as her pale fleshy globes expand to the size of pumpkins, her pink puckered nipples large and hard as thimbles and that wasn’t all that changed in the stricken Pixie. Her ass swells, forming two perfect orbs standing out from behind her, proud and prominent. Her hips widen and round lushly as her slender thighs takes on firmer dimensions, all of this seeming to scream a wordless promise of wild sex and boundless fertility to you and your rapidly expanding groin.

Her sunshine yellow hotpants, despite all the stretch available in the thin spandex fabric, can stretch no more. Her engorged ass forces the back of her pants into her deepening ass crack like a thong and her spreading of her luscious hips pops the buckle of the broad white belt and all three small buttons on the front of the tiny garment, opening it and exposing the smooth, soft, panty-free and hairless flesh of her pelvis to you like a lewd invitation to her barely concealed pussy.

“By the Light of Ttitiana! What – urgh!” It was Paphia’s voice, cut off by a sudden surprised grunt.

Clumsy fingers still working on the button of your jeans, you turn your flushed sweaty face toward her and Lily. Both have fallen to their knees as the curves and angles of their bodies swell and blossom much like those of their flying friend.

Paphia yanks down the top of her strapless mini-dress before it can bite into the unblemished golden flesh of her expanding mounds releasing them and baring them to you like some gorgeous Vegas stripper turned flasher. Her spreading hips and inflating ass push the short hem of her dress up her to her hips so the crotch of a stretched and straining white g-string is clearly visible and the bottom of her tanned bulging bubble butt is revealed to the world. Her mass of hair, all forest browns falls streaked with autumn reds and golds, falls down over her downcast face until she raises her eyes to meet yours, the bright green orbs blazing through the loose strands of silken hair filled with a desperate need… or is it hunger?

Her friend Lily is having a harder time of her unexpected transformation. Clawing at the figure-hugging fish-scale fabric of her leggings with her long painted nails, she desperately tries to free her broadening thighs from the impossibly tightening piece of clothing. The small rents she manages to scratch into the material immediately split and ladder like stockings, exposing long expanses of the softly muscled golden flesh beneath the tatters of shimmering material. Reaching both of her hands behind her hips, she rakes them across that glorious muscular ass you had admired so much earlier in the evening. The cloth tears under her clawed fingers and her burgeoning ass cheeks bulge through the long slits torn out the back of her over-wrought tights; the flesh there is firm, sun-kissed and utterly tantalizing to your startled eyes.

You manage to drag your wide eyes away from her superhuman ass, up over her newly jutting birthing hips, past her still smooth flawless belly and delightfully narrow waist to her spectacular milk-bags. They are bounce heavily with her quick panting breaths and have strained the ocean blue halter top to its tortured limits.


The neck strap of the halter bursts open under the pull and weight of Lily’s bulging new teets and like Paphia she is exposed to you resembling an over-excited fan-girl at a rock-concert. Her areolas and nipples are large and golden in hue; you blink through the pain in your groin at two glistening drops of white liquid beading on the tips of them. Is she actually beginning to lactate?!

With what feels like a final titanic effort you finally manage to tear your jeans open, popping the steel riveted button and sending it flying across the room. First you feel a surge of relief as the pressure in your pants suddenly vanishes but what emerges from you pants makes your jaw drop in stunned stupor. Uncoiling from it’s confinement like a living viper is a cock, your cock!

You are forced to admit that it must be yours though you hardly recognize it now. Over a foot long with the girth of a cola can, it is heavily veined, the tissue moving beneath the taut skin like rigid muscles, the huge purple head of it moving sinuously back and forth like that of a snake tasting the air. You don’t know what to make of it!

You reach shakily down to touch it and you can feel the pressure of your hand against the firm muscle and tissue of the shaft, so it is still your penis after all! It sways it time with the music as you stroke it and shiver at the pleasure that shoots along its immense length back into your quivering body. It’s so sensitive!

The heat spreading throughout your body continues to intensify and your fears are fast forgotten as you look up at the three gorgeous visions of inhuman fertility surrounding you. Their mouths are open too, though not in shock but rather in lustful longing. They stand there in their ruined cloths, smooth and rounded flesh alluringly exposed, looking hungrily at it, enthralled by its slow graceful movements like a rock mouse is enthralled by the dancing sway of a desert python.

The sight of them is too much and your mind is fogging with an overpowering desire to fuck them, thrust your serpentine cock deep into their faerie cunts and fuck their magical lights out…

As if hearing this unspoken command, your magically transformed penis lashes out, stiffening into a thick lance of ivory-hard flesh and strikes!


what happens next?

          Your magic cock strikes out at the Pixie Ariella!


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