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Wedding Nerves | 11kestrels | 4


Katy put her foot to the pedal. Just as she started gaining speed, her cell rang. She picked it up to see who was calling. It was Leanne's cell number displayed onthe tiny screen before her. She pressed the talk button. "Hello?" she said into the phone.

"Hello Katy" said a voice on the other end she didn't recognize. It was deep and male, and sounded intriguingly sexy. "I suppose you're wondering why a total stranger has your best friend Leanne's cell phone. Let me tell you." He paused, and Katy could hear muffled breathing in the background. "But first you better pull over so you don't have an accident."

"Who is this?" Katy demanded. "Where's Leanne?"

"Oh, she right here with me. She's a little tied up at the moment, along with Tony. Now do them a favor and pull over!" The voice shouted. "Otherwise I'll have to do something very unpleasant to one of them. Would you like one of them to lose a finger?"

Katy was in a state of disbelief. "How do I know you have them as you claim?"

"Very well, if it's proof you need, then proof you shall have. I'm sending you video footage of them. Your phone does have capability to send and receive pictures and video, doesn't it?"

Katy was getting a bit scared now. "Yes it does."

"When you get the feed I'm sending, accept it and you shall see I'm not bluffing." The voice now sounded menacing and annoyed.

An instant later Katy's cell displayed an incoming video feed. She accepted and waited for a moment for it to appear on her display. She looked, and sure enough there sat Leanne and Tony, bound, sitting side by side on the floor. Then the camera closed in on Leanne's face. It was full of terror, and muffled screams tried to escape from her gagged mouth. The camera panned down to Leanne's hand, and Katy could see for herself Leanne's pinky finger was being held in a pair of diagonal cutters.

Katy was in a state of shock, and the car drifted to the other side of the road. A horn blared, and Katy looked up to see an oncoming lorry. She frantically swerved the car off to the side of the road, and barely avoided the truck as she ran off the road, hitting the guardrail head on. Steam billowed from the front of her wrecked car, but Katy was unhurt. In her frantic attempt to dodge the lorry, she had dropped her cell phone. She looked and saw it on the floor under her feet. She picked it up and saw it was still on. But instead of Leanne's pinky finger being held in a pair of dikes, the hooded, masked face of a sneering demon was now displayed before her. "Such a pity you wrecked your car" the masked figure said. "I told you to pull over."

"What is it you want?" Katy asked.

"It's not about what I want, dear Katy. It's about what you want. You see, Tony and Leanne have been seeing each other behind your back. I couldn't let you go through with a marriage that would be based upon infidelity." He paused so Katy could digest the situation. "We're going to play a little game, Katy. We're going to see how much you care about Tony and Leanne now that you know what they've done to you. I am going to give you certain tasks you must complete to prove to me how much you love Tony, and how much you care about your best friend Leanne."

"What is it you want me to do?" Katy asked. She ran her free hand through her hair, pushing back the strands that had fallen in her eyes.

"Everything I tell you to, without fail, no matter what it is. Otherwise Tony and Leanne will slowly be tortured. Don't think about going to the police, or they will both die. Is that understood?"

"Yes, I understand. I'll do whatever you say." It was hard to believe Tony and Leanne had an affair behind her back. She still wanted to deny it, and she wanted to save them both. She loved them both dearly.

"The game's a little more difficult for you to play without your car, but it can still be done. You'll just have to hitch a ride with someone. All you need to take along with you is your phone, purse, your charger, and the sex toys you brought along with you. Leave the rest behind."

"What?" Katy said, startled. "How did you know about them?"

"Because it's my game, and because I made it my business to know." The camera changed scenes to show Tony and Leanne again. "I suggest you get going. You're going back to London. Call me back when you've hitched a ride. Then our game will begin."

The call and the video feed ended abruptly. Katy got out of her wrecked car. She retrieved the bag which contained her sex toys and a couple of sexy outfits she'd bought for her wedding night, her purse, and her phone charger. At least she was on the right side of the road to head back to London. If no one stopped for her, it was going to be a very long walk.

Katy walked along for what seemed like hours. Her wrecked car slowly disappeared from her sight, and the day was wearing on. Finally she heard the noise of an approaching vehicle from behind her. She stopped and turned to face the oncoming sound. She frantically waved both of her arms in the air above her head, hoping the driver would stop for her. As it approached, the big, red semi slowed. Katy could hear the sound of air brakes, and she knew she was saved. The truck stopped right beside her, and the door opened. The driver looked out at her, concern on her face. She was a very pretty redhead with blue eyes and pouting lips. She had medium sized breasts and a nice curvy body that her company uniform had a lot of trouble disguising. "Is that your car back there, ma'am?" she asked.

Katy was grateful, and tears started streaming down her face. "Yes, I ran off the road back there. I'm trying to get back to London to get some help from a friend I know." She knew it was a lie, but she didn't know who to trust at this point, or if she was allowed to tell anyone else about her situation.

The driver smiled. "I'm just glad you're all right. Why don't you hop on in, and I'll take you wherever you need to go. I'm heading to London myself to drop off a load of electronics."

Katy climbed up into the truck and shut the door. "Thank you so much for stopping. I have some money if you want something for your troubles."

"No, I don't want your money" said the lady driver. "My name's Kitty" she said, sticking out her hand.

Katy took Kitty's hand, and shook it. "My name is Katy. I was on my way back from a hen do when I had the accident."

"Ahhh, getting married eh?" Kitty asked. "A little young, aren't you?"

"Well, I'm twenty-three, and I've dated Tony for what seems like forever." It was at that point Katy realized she had to call Leanne's cell and talk to the masked stranger. "Excuse me, I have to make a call. Do you mind if I plug into your truck? My phone is low on charge."

"Do what you have to do, sweetheart." Kitty smiled at her, and showed her where to plug her charger in.

Katy hooked up her phone, then dialed Leanne's number.

The video feed came up, and the masked, hooded demon appeared again. "Finally got a ride, huh? It's about time. I was just about to have some fun with Leanne." He held up a normal looking dildo. He pressed a button on the bottom of it, and tiny barbs protruded from its sides. "You can imagine how that might have made her feel. It still could happen if you fail to complete your first task."

"What should I do?" Katy asked.

"Your ride. Is the driver male, or female?" the demon asked.

Katy looked over at the driver nervously. "Female."

"Then here's your first task." The demon mask seemed to sneer more into the screen. "You're going to eat her pussy while she's driving."

"What?" exclaimed Katy. "I can't do that!"

The camera scene changed to Leanne's naked lower extremities. Her legs were spread wide open, and her bald vagina was swollen and glistening. Then the masked demon held up the barbed dildo and pushed a button, and the barbs retracted. "Then she gets this."

"NO!" shouted Katy. "I'll do it!"

"I want to see the video feed of you eating her out" the demon said. "Everything you do, you must verify."

Katy turned to the driver. Fear was on her face. "Please" she said, not knowing how to handle the situation. "I need to eat your pussy. I need to do it now, or my friend and my fiancee will die!"


Does the trucker allow Katy to eat her out?


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