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White Slavery on the Dark Continent | 11kestrels | 6


It was a long walk to the Old Quarter from the hotel Brooke and Debbie were staying at. They both dressed in the sluttiest clothes they could find, which were ruffled mini dresses with spaghetti straps that showed plenty of cleavage. Brooke wore a purple one and Debbie wore a green one. Black thigh high stockings and stiletto heels completed the look they both wanted to convey. Once they were ready, they stepped out onto the street in front of the hotel, and hailed a cab. The driver was a very cute young black who spoke very good english.

"Where to, ladies?" the cabbie asked as the girls climbed into the back seat.

"We're heading to the Old Quarter" answered Brooke.

The young cabbie shook his head. "It may be none of my business, but that is a bad area. Lots of people disappear there, and are never heard from again. Especially women like you two. I would hate to see anything bad happen to either of you."

"I'm sure we'll be okay" Debbie chimed in. "Someone is supposed to meet us there."

"Well, if you say so" the cabbie responded. "But I would be willing to wait for you, if you like. You know, just in case your person doesn't show up."

"That's so sweet of you" said Brooke. "We accept your offer, gratefully." She patted the young cabbie on the shoulder. "By the way, I'm Brooke, and this is Debbie."

The cabbie looked back at the two women and smiled. "Yes, I know who you both are. I follow the pageants. I'm a big fan. And my name is Daryll."

"Well Daryll, we're both very pleased to meet you. It's not every day we meet a fan as nice as you are" said Debbie. "And thanks for watching our backs."

Daryll put the cab in gear, and headed for the Old Quarter. When they arrived, he parked the cab and turned to speak to the girls. "The markets can be treacherous. Be careful, and watch out for slavers. They're everywhere. I'll wait right here for you, and I promise I won't leave. I only hope whoever it is you're meeting is worth the risk."

"If everything goes well, it shouldn't take us too long. We'll be back in a flash, I hope" said Brooke. She kissed Daryll's cheek and opened the door to get out. Debbie followed behind her, and closed the cab door. Then the two girls crossed the street and quickly vanished into the crowded market.

The two girls strolled through the market for some time. They received a lot of whistles and cat calls, but no one came up to them as they were told would happen. "I think we should give up" Debbie finally said. "I don't think anyone's coming. Maybe something happened, a change in plans?"

Brooke pick up a beautifully made necklace and examined it closely. "You might be right. We've been here for quite a while. I wouldn't think it would take this long." She gave the necklace to the girl behind the counter. "I'll take that one" she told her.

The girl behind the counter suddenly froze. A wad of cash hit the counter, and a man's voice said "Their money is no good here. Not while I'm buying."

"Of course, Mr. Mabutu" the girl answered. She handed the necklace to Brooke.

Brooke turned to regard the strange man who made the purchase. "thank you, sir" she said.

"Oh, you are indeed welcome. Its such a beautiful necklace for such a beautiful woman." He smiled, took Brooke's hand, and kissed it. "How about your lovely friend?" He picked up a necklace, and held it up. "I think she would look very sexy with this upon her neck, don't you?" He threw another wad of cash on the counter, and handed the necklace to Debbie. "Of course, this is not without a price. Might I ask you both to join me for dinner? I would be most honored if you would both join me and my friends."

Brooke looked at Debbie who nodded slightly in approval. "We'd love to join you and your friends for dinner" answered Brooke. This had to be the contact they were waiting for. All they wanted to do was get this over with, and go back to the hotel and sleep.

"Excellent" the man said. "Please follow me."

The girls followed the strange man to little sidewalk cafe. He bade them to sit and join him, which they did. They sat down at a table together, and were suddenly joined by three other men. Mabutu spoke. "So, you were to meet someone here tonight. Can you tell me why? Can you tell me who sent you?" Brooke and Debbie both looked shocked. They weren't sure what was going on, or how to answer the questions posed to them. Then Mabutu, sensing their confusion, spoke again. "The man you were supposed to meet is dead. He was a rebel sympathizer. He told us before he died he was to meet two slutty white women who had information for him."

Debbie couldn't contain herself. "That's not true" she said. "We were simply supposed to meet him, and follow any instructions he gave us. I'm telling you the truth. Neither of us wanted to do this. We were threatened into doing it by someone who broke into our hotel room. We don't know who the man was."

Mabutu nodded his head. "I believe you. This type of thing has happened before with two beautiful white women. The man's name is Matunga. His agent, the one you were to meet, is named Buntunu. He was carrying information on him that would have given away the position of every government spy in the rebel faction. He was going to ask you to deliver the list to Matunga the following morning, after he took you both home and forced you to have sex with him and his men. We will carry out the plan, if you are willing, only using false information. You will stay the night with us to carry out the charade, and go back to your hotel tomorrow morning to meet with Matunga. Is this acceptable with you both?"

Mabutu seemed on the level to the girls, unlike the man Matunga who had forced them into this mess to begin with. They talked it over for a bit, and decided to help the government bring down Matunga by feeding him false information. They went with the government agents and spent the night at a different hotel under their watch. The next morning both girls were wired, given the phony list, and sent on their way back to their hotel. It wasn't even twenty minutes after their arrival that Matunga once again entered their room. "What did Buntunu say to you?" he asked Brooke.

"He asked us to spend the night with him and his men. They forced us to have sex with them, then he gave us a list this morning that he told us we were to give to you the next time we saw you." Brooke pulled the papers out of her pocketbook, and handed them to Matunga.

She sounded very convincing to Matunga, and he seemed satisfied that everything went down the way she had described it. He took the papers from Brooke and looked them over thoroughly. "You ladies did good work. Now I have another errand for you." The girls' hearts sank when they heard this. They were hoping their involvement with the government and the rebel faction was over.

Debbie decided to play it for what it was worth. "Do we have to do this? Isn't what we've done enough. You forced us into this mess by threatening us. That wasn't very nice of you. Anyone who was on the level wouldn't force another person into helping them against their will, especially with the threat of slavery." She was getting angry now, and it took Matunga by surprise. Usually after having spent the night with Buntunu and his men, the girls he enlisted to help him were willing to do just about anything. He passed it up to Buntunu being soft on them. To Matunga it meant these girls weren't acceptable to use as pawns. Then a thought occured to him: Perhaps they hadn't met with Buntunu at all. Maybe this whole thing was a setup? Thoughts of treachery raced wildly through his head. He pulled a gun and waved it menacingly at the two girls. He walked over to Brooke, and whispered in her ear "You and the other girl, take off your clothes now, or I will shoot you both."

Brooke looked at Debbie and motioned to her to follow her lead. She undid the buttons on her blouse and took it off, exposing the wire she was wearing in her bra. Debbie did the same, exposing her wire as well. Matunga silently menaced both girls in anger with the gun to hurry up and undress. Their skirts fell to the floor exposing the battery pack and transceiver for the mike that was hidden in their bras. Matunga yanked the wire out of Debbie's transceiver, then out of Brooke's.

"You treacherous bitches!" Matunga bellowed. "Now I will make you pay for this treachery! Finish getting those clothes off. They're bugged with tracking devices!"

The girls hurriedly took off their bras and panties, and stood before Matunga naked. "Hurry up and get some other clothes on. The government will be expecting us to leave together. I would hate to disappoint them."

Both girls grabbed new underwear, jeans, a tank top and sneakers and put them on as fast as they could. Then Matunga motioned them out the door of their room. "We're going to walk to my car. It's parked right out front. No funny stuff. One false move and I won't hesitate to shoot you both. Your deaths are no big deal to me. Understand?"

"Yes, we understand" answered Brooke. The girls walked out the door first, followed by Matunga who held the gun in Debbie's back. They walked out of the hotel, and got in the back seat of Matunga's car. Any hopes of escape were soon dashed by the armed man who was sitting in the back seat with them. Matunga got in the front and started the car. They sped off down the streets of the Old Quarter. Matunga drove around for quite some time before he felt he wasn't being followed. Once he was sure, he doubled back to the Old quarter, and headed to the slave market. There he would sell these two troublemakers to someone ho was cruel enough to teach them the lesson they deserved. They would never be heard from again, and they would probably be scarred for life by their masters. White women were often scarred in cruel ways that he didn't even want to think about.

"Where are you taking us?" Debbie finally asked.

"I'm selling your troublesome asses at the slave market" Matunga told her. "You will never be seen or heard from again!"

"NOOOOO!" screamed Debbie.

Matunga laughed wildly. "Scream all you want. No one here will help you. Your fate is sealed." Debbie now cried uncontrollably. All Brooke could do was hold her close and try to comfort her. But they both knew there was no real comfort to be found.

The car came to a stop outside an old, large building. Matunga got out and opened the rear door of the car. "Get out" he ordered the two women. Brooke and Debbie stepped out of the car, followed by Matunga's partner from the back seat. The men took the two beauties through the front door. Before them stood a large stage, complete with a runway. Matunga and the other man hurried them through a side door. "Both of you will be strutting your beauty tonight, but not for a crown and all the perks that go with it. You'll be strutting for your new master." They walked through a short hallway into what the women thought of as a waiting room. There before them stood a large desk, surrounded by several chairs. Behind the desk stood a large, fat man, dressed in a turban and flowing robes. Beside him was a tall, skinny white woman who wore a veil. She had beautiful violet eyes that were breathtaking.

"You're here early today, Matunga" said the fat man. "Looks like you've found yourself two real beauties to sell." He came out from behind the desk to inspect the women. He stopped at Brooke first, and ran his fingers through her dark brown hair. He caresed her face, then moved to feel her breasts. "Nice and firm" he commented. "Good breeding stock." He put his hands on her hips and pulled them up against his. "Lots of children can be had from this one." Brooke spat at him. "Not yours" she said. She doubled over in pain as the fat man punched her hard in the abdomen. "Insollence will earn you punishment. Let that be a lesson to you." He looked over at Matunga. "She's very spirited. She'll go for a high price." The fat man then walked over to Debbie. She cringed as he ran his hand through her soft, curly, dark red hair. Her lips trembled as he caressed her face. When he tried to caress her breasts, she tried to back away from him, but Matunga reminded her to stand there and take it as he placed his gun in her back. Then the fat man grabbed her by the ass and pulled her close to him. He felt the supple roundness of each of her ass cheeks and worked his hands around to her hips. They were wide enough, he thought, for breeding stock. Being a redhead was also a plus. "This one will also bring a good price. Maybe higher than the brunette because of her red hair. I will give you three million US dollars for the pair of them right now."

Matunga looked at the girls thoughtfully. "Four million, plus we get to fuck them first."

"Three million, plus you can do whatever you want with them all day today before the sale tonight. Just don't leave any permanent scars on them, or the deal is off. That's my final offer." The fat man crossed his arms, and waited for a response.

"You drive a hard bargain, Kiros." Matunga smiled. "It is an acceptable offer. We have a deal."

"You can't do this to us!" Debbie screamed.

"This is Africa. We can do anything we want with you, or any other white woman" Matunga said flatly.

Kiros turned to the veiled woman behind the counter. "Take our new property back to the prep room. Strip them, shower them, and oil them. Explain to them what is expected of them now that they belong to me." The veiled woman stepped out from behind the desk. She motioned to the two women and Matunga's partner to follow her. She led the way with the armed man bringing up the rear.

After they were out of sight, and out of earshot, Kiros said "Quite a scam you've got going here, Matunga. Government agents, rebel factions. What will you do when someone comes along who can outscam the scammer?"

Matunga laughed. "Change the scam, I suppose. Until then, you and I will just keep getting richer off the bodies of all these naive white women."

Kiros set two glasses on the desk, opened a bottle of whiskey, and poured. He picked up a glass, and offered a toast. "To niave white women" he said.

Matunga smiled and raised his glass. "To naive white women."

Meanwhile the veiled woman and Matunga's partner walked Brooke and Debbie back to the prep room. Shower heads lined the wall to one side while piles of women's clothing were heaped against the opposite wall. The dark gray tiles on the floor and the walls made the room look completely sinister. It remided Brooke and Debbie of what it might have been like at a Nazi concentration camp. The veiled woman turned to them. "Take off all your clothes, and throw them over there on the pile. If you refuse to obey me at any time, you will be punished. Do you understand?" Both women wordlessly shook their heads aknowledging that they understood. They both took off all their clothes and tossed them onto the piles, and stood naked before the veiled woman and the gunman.

Debbie modestly tried to hide her pubic mound with her hands crossed in front of her while Brooke stood with her arms at her sides. The veiled woman walked around them, and inspected them. "Drop your hands at your sides like your friend" she said to Debbie. Debbie silently complied, her face red with shame and embarrassment. Her red, neatly trimmed mound stood out against her pale white skin. The veiled woman reached down and caressed Debbie's curly pubic mound. "You have very beautiful hair. Since you are a natural redhead, you will be allowed to keep yours as proof." She looked over at Brooke. "We'll have to shave off your pubic hair. Only natural blondes and redheads are allowed to keep theirs. I will shave you myself after you've showered." She motioned the women over to the showers. "Help each other wash off. That way you get everything." The two girls headed toward the showers, resigned now to their fate.


What else does the veiled woman make them do?


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