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Amazon Women | lilguy | 2


The town is way more advance them you imagine. You spot flying cars and building the reach the sky

You theorize that the Amazon race wasn't as war like as man. This prevented this society entering the Middle Ages, which set us back years in technology breakthroughs. Maybe, World War 2 did not happen and maybe books weren't burn. Maybe it was just dumb luck or someone discover the wheel 500 year early.

Giant Police care flew checking the city with search light. You ducked behind a garbage can. The place looked like something out of blade runner.

You saw an electronic billboard in the air. It said "Men must stay with in Curfew". The billboard changes Advertising "Buzz Cola" in has half naked guys dancing around two college girls. Then it changes to a new report. "Rebel male to be whipped in front of time square"

You aren’t sure if it is safe for you to walk around but you don't have much of a choice. You walked over a newspaper that was in a puddle talking about a male rights march in nation capital and how it was disrupted by some women. You picked up the paper. It had a city life section that would tell you of interesting spots in town. You could learn from there.

You take the Alley ways.


where do you go?

          start to find information

          Extintion Protocol

          a street gang.

          A police searchlight catches you


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