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Hostage Negotiator | kabundan | 6


"Yes" says Mr Black "That will do"

"Which hostage would you like released, I want it shown that I am a Man of my word".

You are lead into a small room in the back where some more of the look around at the hostages, they all appear in good health. You notice one of the hostages is a boy of quite a young age, he is shaking and appears quite stressed by the whole ordeal.

"Let him go free" you say pointing at the boy.

"Done" he says and the boy is lead from the room and outside.

"Ok, shall we get down to negotiations then" you say.

You go to gather your clothes to get dressed but are stopped by one of them.

"You can have your clothes back" Mr Black states "When we've completed negotiations here that is!"

"Fine!" you mutter placing one hand across your chest and the other over your crotch. Sitting at the small metal table and chairs you let out a shiver of the cold metal against your naked flesh.

"Let me hear you demands then?"


What are their demands?


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