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Faeophobia | menoetes | 11


Fingering the Luck charm about your neck you begin to dress again and try to think of any guys you could bring to this ‘Mixer’ that Paphia is throwing in your room tonight. There was one small problem; only guy you’ve met so far today is that idiot Mike, your old room-mate.

You decide that inviting him to a Human-Fae party might smooth things over between the two of you and soon you are telling him the details as he leans in the doorway of your old room listening.

“Sure dude, why not?” He says grinning “That sounds like it could be a whole bunch of fun.”

His eyes stray the chain around your neck before he continues.

“I’ll even bring a surprise along. A little something to get the party going, I happen know a senior who makes and sells some pretty wild potions…”

“Mike, no!” you whisper looking about to see if anyone overheard him, “Stuff like that won’t just get us expelled, it’ll get us arrested!”

Potions had almost completely replaced drugs on the streets since the return of the Fae and magic. Not only could they get you high without many of the harmful effects of the old street drugs, you could buy potions that changed your appearance, gave you strange abilities or even effected others around you… for a while at least. But like drugs, potions had begun to be cooked up by shady types in back-ally labs and the effects of these brews were often unpredictable, unreliable and dangerous.

They had become a real problem on the streets quite quickly and the Supreme Court had ruled that they should be regulated like pharmaceuticals. This meant big companies got the license to brew them in specialist labs and that ‘street’ potions were made illegal with heavy charges being laid against anyone caught making or selling them.

You began to shiver at the idea of getting caught by the University and handed over to the Police.

“Don’t sweat it dude.” Scoffed Mike, unconcerned as always. “I won’t get anything to wild and the guy is solid. You’ll see.”

“…and the other guys for the party?” you ask, still unconvinced.

“Sure, I’ll call a few guys after I get the stuff.” He replies offhandedly and closes the door in your face. You stand there for a moment staring at the polished wood of the door before walking back to your room shaking your head in disbelief.

You had been right the first time, the guy was an asshole.


Paphia skipped down the halls to the Fae common room. She hadn’t felt this good all week! The few human males in this part of the campus turned to watch her huge EE’s bounce heavily as she danced past them and she smiled as she felt their lustful longing for her. The human females were a different matter altogether, they scowled and one even tried to trip Paphia as she skipped nimbly past on her way to meet her friends.

She still didn’t understand why so many of them were so upset at the Fae women, calling them whores, sluts or man-stealers. Why couldn’t they see that if they weren’t going to fuck their men then they shouldn’t be surprised if someone else did it for them? That made perfect sense to Paphia so she ignored the jealous looks and angry mutters as she all but floated into the Fae common room to the couch where her two friends were waiting for her.

Lilencia, a mermaid whom Paphia knew from her Environmental Ethics tutorials looked up from her magazine. She was at the University on a swimming scholarship and worked at the pool in her free time. Here outside the water her tail was gone of course, replaced by two long slenderly muscled legs in skin tight leggings that shimmered in a rainbow of colors like fish scales. Her hair was long, silver blonde and impossibly soft, framing her slender pretty face and sweeping down over an impressively large bust that was squeezed into a sea green corset top. The round tops of them were like golden orbs threatening to explode from the tight garment and Paphia could smell tangy salt aroma of the sea on her friend’s flawless beach-bunny tanned skin.

“Well you look like you’ve had a good afternoon.” Said Lilencia, “She looks like she got lucky, what do you think Ariella?”

Paphia’s other friend Ariella was a Pixie, a stunning creature with a faultless milky complexion, long wild blue hair and a pretty oval face with big sky blue eyes that always seemed to glimmer with mischief. Her body would have put a Victoria’s Secret model to shame with her long delicate limbs trim waist, tight rounded ass and flat belly but it was her breasts which would have brought them to jealous tears. Two flawless soft globes the size of winter melons sat high and proudly on her chest, seemly unaffected by gravity and stuffed into a bright yellow boob tube that was stretched to its limits across their impressive breadth and did little to hide the shape of her nipples. Like most Fae; Ariella hadn’t understood the uses of a bra and never wore one.

“I think so too Lilencia,” said Ariella running a small hand slowly up over her flat belly onto a bulging tit to rub a nipple through the thin fabric of her top. “You lucky thing, I can smell it on you! Why would you torture me like this?”

Ariella, like all Lesser Fae, was especially sensitive to human lusts and desires. As a Pixie she was also prone to her own mischievous and impulsive behavior. Most of her kind who had made their way into the human world had found satisfying careers on a stripper pole or on street corners, reveling joyfully in abundance of lust, sex and human men to fill their bellies with the half-Fae children they so madly craved. Paphia was surprised to find a few Pixies had actually enrolling in the University; it showed a lot of self-disciple on their part to live within the confining laws that the university had laid down concerning the Fae, that’s why she liked Ariella.

“Just a quickie girls.” she said a little smugly, “I couldn’t risk getting caught again but this one was something special.”

Lilencia cocked an elegant eyebrow and Ariella leaned forward excitedly, her breasts nearly spilling free of her top, as Paphia told them about her ‘Lucky One’ and the plans for the mixer later that evening.


What happens next?

          Mike schemes and your guests arrive for the party...


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