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Time Calls | kabundan | 6


"Agreed" said Jessica (at least she wouldn't have to completely reveal herself)

"OK wait here I need to get...something" her mother stated suspiciously.

Jessica heard a drawer being opened and shut from outside of view and then her mother returned holding a paddle.

"You didn't think I was going to just use my hand did you?" she questioned.

"Come on then" grabbing Jessica by the hand she marched her to the door and flung it open.

Jessica froze and tried to back step now that they were going she didn't feel quite as brave, none of her neighbours had seen her this exposed since she was a baby.

"You've already agreed your punishment, come on" said her mother, giving her a hard swat to the rear that made Jessica jump forwards.

"Fine!" she said resigned to her fete she walked unresisting outside into the cold winter breeze.


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