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"Account of Courtney & Jeremy | Zingiber | 13


"Back to the matter at hand," Dorothy said, gently stroking the matter in her own hand. "If we want to help a newer couple with growing pains, there's Peter and Irene in Changsha, Sylvia and Claude in Romania, and Paolo and Luisa in Brazil."

Henry nodded, "Romania and Brazil are already very religious. I think we may be able to help Peter and Irene the most. China is still...somewhat anti-religion."

Dorothy laughed. "The government has an agency to regulate it. They even try to appoint bishops."

"Well, given China's history with the Taiping rebellion, they're a little allergic to religious movements," Henry said. "Though nobody is claiming to be Jesus' younger brother these days. Yes, Mr. and Mrs. Dong would be a good choice."

"Though Woody won't be able to resist making a joke of Peter Dong's name," Dorothy said. She squeezed Henry's penis.

"Woody Large," Henry said, "A member of the Proper Job Club, as you would know."

Dorothy laughed. "I know Mr. Large's woody very well," she said. "Woody and Dora's son is coming along well. He made a lot of progress at his counseling visit today."

Henry nodded and smiled. Chip was the plump, awkward young man whom Henry had shamefacedly glimpsed through the keyhole with Dorothy coaxing an erection from his penis.

"Yes, Chip did a good job warming you up." He kissed Dorothy to hide his feeling of awkwardness. "Well, you can kind of see where Woody Large got his sense of humor. But you're right, we'll have to make sure that his sense of fun doesn't get out of hand." Henry read the next profile. "Hmm, let's see," he said. "Paolo and Luisa. She works as a public health nurse. He was a civil servant before he made the church his full-time vocation. It sounds like they've been dealing with a different set of issues."

Dorothy nodded. "More practical ones. It sounds like the members of their congregation knew each other through a financial self-help group. People Luisa met as part of her work. And one of their practices has been cooperative housing."

Henry adjusted his glasses. "Yes. We started like that, back on the farm. But now our congregation unites for services and ceremonies. While theirs... some of them have gone in for an extended household thing." He looked thoughtfully. "Sort of matchmaking between couples to build a larger household. Sharing love everyday among the matched couples at home. That's a little different."

"Yes, it sounds like their congregation is spread out and they can't all gather together every week," Dorothy said. "So they meet in smaller groups, with Paolo and Luisa rotating among their households, like community organizing or pastoral visits."

"Right," Henry said. "Including practical help, you know, helping folks keep their budget in order. Health checkups. Sex and pleasure education. And a more intimate celebration of God's gifts."

"Like the early Church met in people's homes," Dorothy said. "It sounds like Paolo and Luisa are dealing with some of the same things the early Church did as they're growing. Money and class issues."

Henry stroked his chin. "They may have to teach us than we have to teach them," he said.

Dorothy laughed, reading a line.

"What's that?" Henry said.

"Another dividing line. There's a controversy between rural congregation members who prefer 'traditional' birth control and urban members who use more modern methods, but Luisa thinks with education and demonstrations, they're making progress bridging the gap."

"Traditional methods?" Henry asked.

"Sodomy," Dorothy said. "Anal intercourse is traditional, though as Luisa points out, it's not as effective as you might think."

Henry squinted behind his glasses. "Hard to sell that in our congregation," he said. "I've had a lot of our women ask me, 'Pastor, do good churchgoing people really do that dirty thing? I could never do that.' It doesn't feel like a loving act."

"And our men have picked up a lot of wrong ideas about it from porn," Dorothy said. "Though I've had the pleasure to enlighten some of our parishioners on how it actually works." She wiggled her bottom. "Fortunately Gunther and Gretchen's advice to us has held up very well."

Henry laughed. "It was very awkward. Still is for me. But I could hardly not go along with you after I saw how much Gretchen loved it."

"And I appreciate your being such a good sport then. And since, now and again," Dorothy said. She laughed. "But such a look on your face when Gunther finally got inside me. And you just blushed so red when Gretchen orgasmed when you were in her bottom." Dorothy caressed Henry's penis. The tip had a fresh drop of slippery moisture.

Henry swallowed. "Well, it felt so different. And she was very loud, as I recall," he said. "Operatic. Louder with me than with Gunther."

"Good old Pastor Henry," Dorothy teased. "Now, then," she said, holding up the World Neighbors profiles. "You know, it looks like Paolo and Luisa are looking for a date a little later than Peter and Irene. Do you think we could have both of them?"

Henry squinted. "They overlap, though. Were you thinking Peter and Irene could start with us, then move to Mrs. Patterson's when Paolo and Luisa show up?"

"How about doing that?" Dorothy said. "And then they could meet each other."

"Let's try that," Henry said.

"That's all the business for today, then," Dorothy said. She stroked Henry's shaft, which was on its third erection, having spent the first to bless Mrs. Patterson, and the second to finish the plowing and seeding Chip Large had started in Dorothy's furrow. "Do you feel like being a good sport and practicing with me for Paolo and Luisa?"

Henry swallowed. "I expect I could do that," he said.

Dorothy kissed him. "You're so good to me," she said. She opened the bedside drawer and handed him a little bottle.

"You know, this never feels quite *right*," Henry said as he worked the head of his penis into Dorothy's anus.

Dorothy pressed out, opening for him. "Ahhhhh," she said as he entered. "But doesn't it feel good?"

"Good? Yes, I supp...oh! Ye-hess, good!" His voice rose in tone as Dorothy received him.

Dorothy laughed. "You always sound so funny," she said.

"Ah?" Henry said.

"Never mind, love," Dorothy said. "Move in me. Ah, yes, like that."

The pale cheeks of Dorothy's buttocks moved gently under Henry's hands as he thrust in and out of her anus. It was hotter, tighter with that little ring around him. Luisa's skin would be golden brown, and her buttocks firmer and larger. Would Luisa be quiet like Dorothy or loud like Gretchen? Would Dorothy cry out with joy when Paolo sodomized her in the spirit of Loving Community?

"Oh Dorothy," he moaned. His shaft throbbed, swelling inside her.

"Already, love?" Dorothy said. "Slow down, let me catch up." Dorothy put her weight on her shoulder and reached back to finger her clit.

"Oh..." Henry sighed as he thrust slowly.

Dorothy diddled herself furiously, panting as she worked her pearl.

"Now, Henry!" she cried out. Her ring squeezed his shaft as she rose to her climax.

Henry shivered, chills running up and down his back as his penis tingled in his wife's backside. Almost frightening, how forbidden it felt. So hot and held so tight like a prison. He tried to think of love and remembered the look of Dorothy's lips on Chip's penis. "Ahhh," he moaned. He strained to press deeper inside. "Yes, Dorothy."

"Jesus Christ Henry, GOD!" Dorothy cried out. Her silver-blonde ponytail tossed, her shoulders flushed pink and her anus squeezed tight as she reached orgasm.

"Dor...AH!" Henry called out. His eyes rolled up to heaven as he came, spurting seed into the barren recess of her desert cave.

"Jesus yes, I feel you!" Dorothy cried. Her anus squeezed tight and her hips shivered as she came and came again.

Afterward, Dorothy lovingly washed her husband. "You're so good to me, Henry," she said. "My best love."

"Huh," he said, lying in a sleepy daze.

"Sleep, love." she said, patting him dry and tucking the covers around him.


How do they first meet Peter and Irene?


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