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Monster | TheVillian | 1


Laura groggily wakes up, mentally trying to take stock of the situation around her. It takes only a second to wake up completely after she does that when she realizes just how bad it looks. She's just off of a park jogging trail and had been laying down on leaves and twigs, all of her clothes except her jogging shoes and some tatters of her shirt around her shoulders have been ripped away, and her pussy protests with soreness every time she moves. It's pretty hard to not come to the conclusion that she was raped and raped hard.

The thin woman with black hair and small, perky tits takes a look around the rest of her body. The bruising around her pussy says the guy's cock was fucking huge! At least the marks on the rest her body say he didn't really do any damage elsewhere. Then she realizes that there's quite a bit of dried semen around her pussy lips as well. Damn, whoever raped her didn't use a condom and came in her pussy. Damn!

Alright, she breathes as to not panic. Getting up to walk back to her car she decides there's no way around it, she needs to try and remember things about her attacker.

A moan of pleasure escapes her lips almost immediately. Strange how it took some conscious effort to remember it, but remember it she does- she remembers how the cock felt when it was inside her and it was amazing. How many times did she cum during the rape? They sort of blend together in Laura's memories after the sixth. At least her rapist was going for pleasure and not pain.

But then she remembers other things about her rapist. How he was covered in a thin film of oil over a furry pelt, the mane around his head, and his face- oh my god! That's not a human face! Her pussy was dripping from the pleasure but her mind suddenly snaps to an image of fear. What the fuck was it that raped her?

Finally getting back to her car, she tries to get her seatbelt on to get to a hospital when there's an unexpected obsticle. She looks down, and terror fills her mind. What? When did this happen? She just checked herself over when she woke up maybe an hour ago and she had a flat stomach, now she looked at least 8 months pregnant! What? How was. . .

Contraction. What? Was that her water breaking? Oh my god, Oh my god. . .

A few minutes later, a weak and physically exhausted Laura can only watch as the kitten that walks on his hind legs that she just gave birth to climbs out of the car and runs off back into the woods. . .


The Golden Boys. That would be the nicknamed they picked up quickly. Officially nobody knows where they came from though unofficially people are thinking genetic experiment gone wrong. Called Golden Boys because from a distance if looks like their skins are made of a metallic Gold, though up close it's easy to see it's more blonde fur covered in an oily film. Looking like a cross between lions and cavemen, these things are fast, strong, and agile.

What really is frightening about them starts with their incredibly strong sense of smell, so strong that they can smell if a woman is ovulating long before she even notices he's there if she's not careful which puts them into heat. The oily film is some sort of pheromone bath, makes women docile and submissive on contact and forces them to feel at least some pleasure when they get raped by a Golden Boy- how much varies from woman to woman. After that, something about the hormones in Golden Boy semen and the combined DNA means that the rape victims that were ovulating will give birth to another Golden Boy in just a matter of hours. Usually the film means the birth's are easy enough that the women don't die from it but it does completely incapacitate them, and maybe there's another Golden Boy around the corner. . .


Where did he go?


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