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Hostage Negotiator | kabundan | 4


Grabbing your hands the men that was named Red holds you firmly in place. In the mean time Green rips open your grey suit jacket and tears it from your shoulders. You struggle but to no avail as your blouse is unbuttoned and removed revealing your large breasts in a lacy bra you hadn't intended for their eyes.

Next to go is you’re knee high business skirt that is unclasped unzipped and thrown onto the pile of your clothes.

Your now standing there in your lacy black bra and thong with your arms held behind you and no escape from whatever they had planned. You feel hands behind you unclasp your bra and then the cool air on your nipples hardening them as they are revealed to these lewd men.

You panic as you know what’s coming and can soon feel your thong being slid out from your ass cheeks and down your long smooth legs revealing your perfect pussy to them.

It’s obvious you’re not wired but you’re not sure they cared about that.


What happens now?


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