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"Account of Courtney & Jeremy | whizzper | 12


"I think I like the Idea of helping out a smaller congregation. While Joy is a blessing now, and in fact has been for a while now, those first two years were a slight nightmare. Lars was worried it would get out and destroy her life, our life and his political career."

"In that order as well." Henry replied.

"Well, yes. That exact order. But luckily, of course it was between the three of us at first, and four after Joy's second birthday."

"Oh, let's face it Cindy knew as soon as Joy was born." Henry laughed.

"There is a difference in knowing and KNOWING. But yes, Joy does have Lars' chin and cheekbones."

"That and Lars' intent on being there for her birth. Which brings me to a possible number five in knowing." Henry said seriously.

"Who would that be?"

"Charlie Jones' daughter in law was working the maternity ward that day. The natural child birth conked you out, and I had popped into the restroom. On the way back Caitlin was handing Lars' Joy."


"She just said 'Look, she has your chin and cheeks!' To which Lars' replied 'She's not mine...'" Henry chuckled since even if Caitlin knew she never said anything to anyone, "And she replied, 'uh huh. Right.'"

Dorothy nodded, "She's the Head Nurse on the Cancer floor now, yes?" trying to place Caitlin. "Then we may not have to have ever worried about her. Mrs. Patterson tried to get her to join the church after her husband's death. And I did do a consultation with her. She said she'd have to talk to her husband. But I guess they decided not to join, as neither called back for more information."

"Oh, I wasn't worried about her saying anything. It's just I do believe she knew right off."

"It's a woman thing. And she has two children now, and this was before Henrik and Donald were born so she was his first and there's a look of stunned awe in a man with a first born. Having worked the Maternity Ward for any length of time she'd know that."

Henry nodded, "It's us going, 'Wow...I did this?'"

"It's so cute. But back to the matter at hand, going by what you described, helping a newer couple with growing pains, there's Peter and Irene in Changsha, Sylvia and Claude in Romania, and Paolo and Luisa in Brazil."

Henry nodded, "Romania and Brazil are already very religious. I think we may be able to help Peter and Irene the most. China is still...somewhat anti-religion."


What's next?

          Let's invite Peter and Irene AND Paolo and Luisa


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