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Cheater | dkburrows | 2


Another boring class ended, and Tia fled out onto the campus, desperate for some excitement of any kind. Between her finances, grades and Jacob she needed a distraction. But what?

Looking around all she saw at first were the ancient buildings that threatened to crumble any day. Her impoverished college constantly fought against their decay, never doing more than staving off major disaster while content to allow the minor ones to pile up. No one would ever accuse the faculty of going to extra lengths but they were certainly happy to let in the unfortunates that other colleges actively avoided. Mostly because someone had to pay the money to net them their profit.

The day had turned out to be a scorcher, making Tia glad that Jacob had picked out such a breezy outfit. It was highly reminiscent of a schoolgirl outfit, though much closer to an adult version with its short pleated skirt and the light top that tied up under her little tits. Wind swept along her sweating body, flapping her skirt up without her noticing, keeping her relatively cool.

Thinking of Jacob brought a sigh from her as she was reminded of one of her problems. Jacob was handsome, smart, rich and the son of the mayor. Tia knew she was hot and a fantastic fuck, but was that enough to hold his attention? Lately it had seemed like his attention was wandering, and she couldn't help but wonder what she might do to get it back. She was already sleeping with him more and more. He'd been staying overnight more often. That in itself was something of a problem.

Jacob staying over so much meant that she wasn't getting her studying done, that she hadn't gotten a job, and it meant non-stop sex. Tia had never been averse to putting out for her boyfriends. She felt it was her duty, in a way, even if they seemed to invariably have no clue. It was probably why cheating turned her on so much. She'd fuck a stranger, and then she'd kiss her wimpy boyfriend with traces of the stranger's semen in her mouth, or fuck him with another man's cum sloshing inside of her. Or she'd let the other man do something she didn't allow her boyfriend.

Jacob's germaphobic tendencies took away that thrill, but then he was anything but a wimp. Physically he was her type to a T. She went positively weak-kneed around tall muscular men. And when they were domineering and take-charge it was heavenly. Still, she did wish he'd take her out. She craved the riches he seemed to have. She wanted to go somewhere that you needed a reservation to get into.

And why couldn't they just sit and talk? Her mind imagined the two of them talking - Jacob talking about finances and politics and debt, her talking about the great shoes she saw in a store window. Her anxiety went up another notch at the thought. Okay, no talking. Maybe she should go see if he wanted another tumble...

Reminded of how she wanted excitement she looked around. Her eyes caught on several things that made her perk up, as if the fates might have been making suggestions to her.

One was a professor and his teaching assistant. She was in his class, and realized he must be heading to his office. Grumpy and mean, the chances of him listening to her plight were small but anything would be better than the abysmal grades she was getting. Maybe he secretly had a soft heart - or a schoolgirl fetish - and would suggest some ways for improving her marks.

Even if that failed the TA might be willing to help her out. He looked like the sort that would be incredibly grateful if a pretty girl smiled at him. She could probably wrap him around her finger if she wanted without ever having to worry about having to follow-through.

The two happened to pass a glass door, through which a notice board caught Tia's eye. She recalled something being said during the orientation about it having notices. Clubs, social events, outside advertisements and what not. She wasn't really listening at the time, since she'd been flirting with a couple of boys at the time. It hadn't led anywhere, but then Tia wasn't in a relationship back then either. She did remember them pinning something up,though, and she wondered if she might find something useful or exciting there.

Beyond the professor she saw a gap between the college buildings, and she realized she could see the street on which her student mentor's fraternity lived. Rich was a senior now, and to all appearances as lazy a student as she was. Maybe he'd be willing to share his secrets with her.

Or, of course she could always call Jacob. Maybe he could give her some advice, or maybe she ought to arrange a rendezvous so that she could give him some incentive to stick with her. On the other hand, dealing with problems was exhausting, and she was kind of lazy about that sort of thing, much preferring to simply give in to wherever things led her - in this case, that would be home. Or somewhere fun. She shouldn't be spending money, but wasn't she entitled to when she was stressed?


What to do?

          Tia goes to the last class of the day

          Checking out the board

          Go to the source - The Professor & TA

          Her student mentor might have some ideas


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