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Cheater | dkburrows | 2


When Jacob said he wanted to do something tonight Tia had been ecstatic. Not only did it rescue her from attempting to study for tomorrow's test but it meant getting out of the apartment! Lately it seemed that all Jacob wanted to do was stay in and fuck. Which wasn't entirely bad, but it always ended with him cumming multiple times and Tia feeling sore, stretched, and hornier than she'd been before his visit.

Wanting to really wow him Tia dressed in a way that she knew would fulfill his fantasies. To facilitate that she chose a miniskirt and a top with spaghetti straps that bared her flat, tanned belly. Not needing any support up top she - as usual - didn't bother with a bra, and wore only a tiny thong to allow for the easiest access possible. Topping off the outfit was a pair stilettos with 4-inch heels, bringing her height up to a towering five foot three. It was still fifteen inches short of Jacob's giant six foot six, but every inch helped. Besides, the heels made her legs look incredible.

Next up was her make-up. It might have been the fact that the mirror was the only shadowy place in the apartment, but she thought she might have gone a little overboard on it. Not wanting to waste her precious resources she shrugged it off. Jacob wouldn't complain.

Grinning, Tia her credit card, driver's license, room key, and the small amount of money she still had. Her bank account was nearly empty so she knew she'd have to make her last forty last.

A whistle came her way as she walked away from the apartment, and she simultaneously waggled her ass and waved back towards that lusty neighbor of hers, something she never did because he gave her the creeps with his beady eyes and slurping lips. None of her neighbors made her comfortable. It was like living amidst a group of ex-cons or sex offenders.

It wasn't until she was a block away that she realized she was clutching her things in her hands and hadn't brought a purse. Without any pockets she'd just have to hang on to them until Jacob arrived and put them in his pockets. Glancing down at her belly ring - the only piercing she had the guts to have gotten other than her ears - she grinned at a sudden thought and fiddled with it until the key hung from it. Now she'd have to think what to say when Jacob asked about it. Key to her heart? Her treasure chest?

Tia was too lost in fantasies to notice the blocks go by. Jacob was always paranoid about something happening to his car so he inevitably parked farther away and walked, or had her walk away from her rougher neighborhood before he'd come round to pick her up. The one time he'd driven all the way into Tia's neighborhood he'd acted like someone would spike his tires and murder him if he didn't flee immediately. She'd barely had time to hop into his car before his tires squealed and the car fish-tailed around the corner, nearly throwing her back out again.


Where will date night be?

          A night at the movies

          A night club where Tia quickly makes an acquaintance


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