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Cheater | dkburrows | 1


Tia Lopes was a freshman at a lousy community college in a seedy part of San Diego, just above the Mexican border. With her dark looks she fit in well. Whether because she loved suntanning, or because she had a bit of ethnic blood everyone had assumed she was Mexican and treated her as such. Since most people in her neighborhood were hispanic it meant she fit in fairly well.

Jacob Wright was her boyfriend. Tall, muscular, rich, a famous playboy and the son of the mayor, he was an incredible catch, one that Tia constantly felt insecure about, as if he might bolt at any moment once he realized she wasn't his equal.

He thought the place she lived was a dump, she was sure. He always seemed amazed when he visited, like he was in a foreign land. Tia, unfortunately, didn't have any money. Her parents had barely been able to get her into college, and there was no telling how she'd be able to return for a second semester. Of course she was doing herself no favors as she spent the little money she had trying to impress Jacob, partying with him when she should be studying, and paying when he frequently forgot his wallet. The money her parents gave her was long gone and she'd almost maxed out the line of credit she'd gotten during orientation day.

Tia had tried to hint that she didn't have much money and that he could maybe help her out, but he always seemed to miss the hints, and she'd stopped trying after something sent him into a rant on how much he hated people looking for handouts, and how he admired those who solved their own problems. Tia had thought that being a playboy's girlfriend would mean gifts and money, but he'd never taken her anywhere fancy. He said something like he gets enough class at home so he liked to explore the cheap and seedy when he hung around with Tia. She wasn't quite sure how to take that, but wished he'd explore the rich and fancy with her instead.

Jacob's remarks about how much he admired people solving their problems was one of Tia's insecurities. She knew she wasn't the smartest girl. She'd barely passed high school and hadn't been able to achieve a scholarship. The only thing she'd really been good at was being fit and pretty.

Being fit went a long way, but the rest was covered by Tia being a petite little thing with 'cute' (gag) elfin features. She didn't quite reach five feet but a lot of guys seemed to like that. Unfortunately Jacob didn't always seem to be one of them. He'd drop the occasional comment about the huge height disparity and how all his previous girlfriends had been model-height. Him being six feet and a half tall meant that even the four-inch heels that had become the norm didn't do much to make up the difference. Still, it made her already great legs look spectacular.

Thankfully, in spite of being just ninety pounds it was all in the right place. In fact Tia had very nicely toned muscles thanks to rigorous exercise, and an ass to die for. Maybe a little too much, really, considering that guys seem to find its perfection to be an open invitation to touch it, and it was definitely one of the most popular destinations for them during sex. It also seemed to make guys think that having a great ass meant she'd love being spanked.

Another of Tia's sore points was her breasts. While her A-cups were marvellously firm and had thick, extremely sensitive nipples, Tia and Jacob both wished she had more. D-cup implants at the least, he'd say, though she'd have been happy with another cup or two. Maybe a handful would make guys treat them a little more respectfully, instead of viewing them as dials to be twisted and pulled. In spite of his hints of discontent and her hints of willingness, Jacob had yet to offer to pay, and instead would occasionally grumble in an infuriatingly embarrassing way about her 'boy chest', making her even more worried that he might leave if she didn't find other ways to satisfy him.

Not that she was completely satisfied with him. He might have been a perfect physical specimen, but he was a germaphobe, and would neither kiss her nor fondle her down below. And like any big-dicked guy he seemed to think it enough effort on his part to simply ram in and out balls deep as quickly as possible. Worthy of a porn-star, his dick was bigger than any she'd had before, requiring XL condoms. She wouldn't be surprised if he ruptured the latex one day. Or her. Initially his cock had been a source of wonder and excitement, and the feeling of it stretching her to such incredible limits still made her tingle with excitement, but size alone couldn't satisfy her and it began to feel like he was wearing her pussy out. And yet he seemed to be wanting to fuck her more and more as time went by. Lately she'd begun to wonder if she'd be permanently loose from fucking him so much.

In the past she'd often felt driven to seek out men who were the opposite of her boyfriend, and she was feeling that need powerfully. Nowadays the stress of failing-grades, lack of money, an uncertain future at the school, and a boyfriend who might leave at any moment were worries that preyed on Tia. It was no wonder that she constantly resorted to her favorite stress-relief of sleeping around. Lately, however, it seemed to have been getting more out of hand, like people could smell the desperate need wafting from her body, and the constant advances were severely testing her will to resist. It had gotten worse since she'd started dating Jacob. Every time he fucked her she'd wind up hornier and more desperate, as if the latex of his condoms were coated with an aphrodesiac that soaked deeply into her constantly wet sex.


Background out of the way, what happens next?

          A date with the boyfriend

          One weekend she has a special day planned

          Someone's been stealing Tia's panties at the laundromat, so she decides to set up a sting

          On Campus one day


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