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Power Girl in the Dark Continent | techtactic | 6


Before Powergirl could react, the three women had approached, fanning out about her. The heroine felt their eyes upon her, and seemed to shrink into herself, feeling her face heat up at their nudity and her vulnerable position. The woman with the ponytail smiled comfortingly and suddenly grabbed the heroine’s head. The kryptonian hadn’t even a chance to react before she felt herself pulled into the tall amazon’s chest, her cheek cushioned upon the firm breasts of the ebon goddess.

“Don’t worry, my dear. It’s fine, you’re safe now,” she said in slightly accented English, slowly stroking Powergirl’s hair in a soothing gesture. The young woman felt her face heat up even further, but did not resist to comforting embrace. In fact, she melted into it, enjoying the, albeit temporary, feeling of security the other woman offered. Even then, in the back of her mind, she realized these women were her captors. But she merely pushed down the knowledge, enjoying the moment as if it would never end.

But end it did. Soon, the woman with the ponytail lifted Powergirl’s head off her chest, looking into her eyes. She offered a motherly look as she spoke. “This way, please. We must clean you off before you meet the master,” she said softly. Powergirl blinked and looked down, suddenly noticed the stains of cum upon her body. Shame fell upon her, and she likely wouldn’t have moved had the two women behind her not gently begun to prompt her forward, the long ponytail of their leader bobbing before the young heroine’s eyes.

Powergirl didn’t resist as she was led past the large double doors and into a clean halls of stone beyond. Though her confidence was returning in increments, she still felt somewhat out of place with these women, so at home in their own nudity.

“Um…” Powergirl began drawing the attention of the ponytailed woman. “Where exactly is this? And, who are you all?” she asked.

The woman smiled comfortingly. “You are in the volcano. Please, don’t worry,” she immediately assured when the kryptonian’s pale face grew even paler. “You are perfectly safe. The volcano is currently dormant, and we are well shielded within this place. Our master has made sure of it. As for whom we are, we are slaves to the master, sent to take care of you. He was very concerned when he heard of your crash, and asked us to clean you up,” she said.

“And, who is your master?” Powergirl asked.

“You know him as Grodd.”

“Grodd!” Powergirl froze in place, fear etching her features. She looked around, but the hallway offered no immediate means of escape. Suddenly, she felt the firm grip of the two nude women t her rear grab her shoulders and arms. The heroine immediately tried to struggle, but found the two’s grips far too strong for her weakened state.

“Please,” the leader begged, turning to face her and stepping forward, breasts bouncing at the motion. “Do not resist. The door is sealed and if you did, my sisters and I would be punished by our master for it.”

Powergirl quickly calmed down. The woman was right. She was trapped, and struggling would only make it more difficult for her later on. She would merely have to play along until her powers came back, then she could break down this whole building. And, she thought with a flush of embarrassment and anger, pay Grodd back for what those men had done to her in the jungle.

Seeing she had relaxed, Ponytail smiled comfortingly. “Thank you. I appreciate this,” she said with a matronly smile, like one would give a pet who performed well. Powergirl fidgeted, feeling a little uncomfortable and heated at the look. “Now, if you will follow me, we will take you to the baths to clean you off,” the woman continued with a beckoning motion. Pulling herself from the two women’s grips, Powergirl followed meekly along.

Their trek down the hallway ended at a large wooden door. Pushing it open easily, the ponytailed woman led them inside. Despite the severity of the situation, Powergirl couldn’t help but marvel at it. Carved into the very stone of the mountain was a hotspring. The floor before her was flat and tiled, but not too far away sat several springs surrounded by volcanic rock. Steam filled the chamber, setting it awash in a pleasant mist and soon putting a thin sheen of sweat and water on Powergirl’s, her clothes quickly becoming uncomfortable. Perhaps because they were used to such extreme temperature, the three women didn’t show the slightest look of discomfort, giving Powergirl a strange feeling of inferiority to the three.

“This is the bathing room. It is carved into the very rocks, and the water is kept hot from the heat of the volcano. Though,” the ebon goddess smiled at the young heroine, “it is naturally regulated to keep it at a pleasant temperature.”


“Good. Now, if you would please undress. We’ll need to take care of those clothes. Don’t worry,” she added when Powergirl’s face showed nothing but shock, heating up form something which had nothing to do with the hotspring. “You will be provided with something more appropriate to wear after you are done.”

Powergirl clutched at her tattered clothes. Though admittedly they were so damaged they could barely cover her, she still felt an obvious reluctance to shed them. Still, she had no doubt that if she did not, the trio would ‘help’ her.

She squirmed slightly in defeat and glanced around. “Is, um, is there a screen or…something I can go behind?”

“No. Don’t be ashamed, you have nothing we haven’t seen before,” the woman assured the heroine.

“Um…Okay,” Powergirl said, cowed by a combination of the humiliation she had so far suffered, and the three women’s knowledge of her rape in the jungle. She turned away, unable to look them in the eye as she undressed. Not due to her body, she was in fact proud of her powerful body and milky white skin, and her breasts were certainly larger than any of the three women behind her. But that hardly meant she was used to strutting around naked before others. Particularly humiliating, though perhaps strange to say, was doing so beneath the eyes of those three African goddesses, so comfortable in their nudity.

She slowly slipped out of her ruined costume, bearing herself to the room. Self-consciously, she tried to cover her prominent assets with her arms. A futile gesture, and she felt even more humiliated for trying. She eventually gave up and passed the ruined uniform to one of the beauties.


Is she left to clean herself?

          Grodd's plan

          The three women lend a hand


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