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The Slut Family | acorn142 | 5


You look in amazement at the young man standing in your doorway. If you hadn't known to expect Ronnie, you wouldn't have recognized him. He has grown about six inches from when you last remember seeing him, and he has the upper body muscle development of a seasoned ranchhand.

"Hi, Aunt Marsha!" he says as he sets his bags down and gives you a hug. Your hands are about to grab his ass and pull his groin tightly against yours before you remember the part that you are supposed to be playing. You content yourself with a hug around his mid-section, noticing how hard and fit he seems to be.

You step aside to look for Carol and let your children greet Ronnie. Candy has practically lept across the room, throwing herself at her cousin, and wrapping her arms around him. You break that up by asking Ronnie, "Where is your mom?"

Ronnie pulls himself away from Candy, but you can't help but notice that his eyes linger on her breasts, even as he tries to answer your question.

"Oh, she's still in the van; I brought these bags in and now I need to get her. As we were driving up, we saw this green-haired punk rocker-type guy, passed out along the street. The sight of that made her feel faint."

Wow... She's even more fragile than you thought. You wonder what her reaction would have been a few hours earlier when you, Candy and Bryan were all taking turns with him.

The boys come over and greet their cousin, taking his bags. "We'll come help you with Aunt Carol," Aron says as the three boys walk back out the door.

Candy comes over and puts her hand on your shoulder. "Little Ronnie sure has grown up, hasn't he, Mom?" The twinkle in her eye is probably matched by the one in your own as you begin to rethink keeping your hands off this gorgeous stud.

A few moments later, the boys return with Aunt Carol. "I'm so sorry, Marsha," she says, weakly. "I got quite a start a short time ago, and I just need to lie down quietly for a few minutes to regain my strength." You assure her that's quite alright, and lead her to Candy's room.

"Mom, is it ok if I go out with the guys to look around?" Ronnie asks his mother.

Carol said, "Of course, Dear. Just be sure you stay with your cousins." She then turns to you and says, "Ronnie is too innocent to be out alone in the city. I'm so glad my nephews are here to keep him safe and to be a good influence on him."

No sooner had Carol closed the door when Bryan said, "All RIGHT, Dude! We've got some awesome plans for you!"

"Can I come along, too, guys?" Candy asks, hopefully. You can tell that the boys are fine with that -- and Ronnie seems particularly hopeful, but you shake your head. "No, honey. You know Aunt Carol doesn't approve of boys and girls being out together."

Candy protests that she's not exactly a little girl anymore, but Ronnie comes to your defense. "Aunt Marsha is right, Candy. My mom would have a cow. I'm sure we'll have time to talk, though."

That seemed to pacify Candy, even though you knew there wasn't a lot of talking that she wanted to do with Ronnie.

*** PERSPECTIVE CHANGE: Who do you want to follow? ***


Who shall you follow from this point?

          Stick with Marsha

          Follow the boys


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