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The Slut Family | acorn142 | 4


As your family gathers and discusses what to do for the rest of the day, you abruptly remember something very important. Today is when your deceased husband's sister and her son as coming through, and they are supposed to be staying here tonight.

"Kids, I just remembered something! Aunt Carol and Ronnie are staying here tonight. You all know what that means."

Carol and Ronnie live quite a way from you, and you hardly ever see them. Carol's husband cheated on her shortly after Ronnie was born, and she never fully recovered. She moved to a remote rural area, homeschooled Ronnie, and essentially avoided all contact with society.

Ironically, somehow Carol got the idea that you were a chaste, 1950's-style housewife who raised 3 children who never did anything wrong. One the few occasions when she has visited, all of you worked very hard to maintain that illusion, knowing that Carol's mental health could not take another serious bolt of reality.

Fortunately, her visits are few, brief, and far between, otherwise there is no way she would continue to believe how clean and pure you all are. Last time she was here, for example, you triple-checked Candy's room to make sure it passed inspection before letting Carol sleep there. It was only as you were showing her to the room that you happened to notice the dildo on the nightstand. Before Carol could see it, you snatched it up. Since you were wearing a skirt with no pockets, the only place to hide it was to quickly shove it up your snatch and leave it there until an opportunity arose to discretely remove it.

Bryan asked, "Did you say Ronnie is coming, too?" When you say yes, the two brothers exchange high-fives, and Aron says, "Change of plans!"

You are glad your sons are excited about seeing their cousin, who is just a few months younger than them. You ask what the "change of plans" bit is all about, though.

"Mom, Aunt Carol practically keeps him on a leash," explains Aron. He doesn't go to school, he never goes anywhere without her, and he doesn't even have internet. He's never been on a date, and he is WAY overdue for getting laid! We promised him that next time he was here, we'd help him loose his cherry."

You aren't surprised to hear that. Carol is so afraid Ronnie will grow up like his father that she has tried to control everything about his life. You try to imagine any of your kids living that way, and it is inconceivable.

You also give serious thought to this news that he is a virgin. You haven't seen him for a while, but if he looks anything like his father, then sweet Aunt Marsha might be able to give him a gift he'll never forget.

Candy seems to sense what you are thinking and says, "Ronnie can stay in my room tonight, Mom."

You are pulled back to reality. "Oh no you don't! We all know how fragile Aunt Carol is. There will be none of that! Ronnie, Aron and Bryan will share a room. We'll put Aunt Carol in your room again, Candy, and you can stay in Bryan's room.

You see Bryan's eyes light up, and you have to warn him, "I said none of that! It's just for one night; you can all keep your hormones in check for that long, can't you?"

That was easy for you to say. You still have that dildo you took from Candy's room, and if you are going to keep yourself away from your nephew tonight, you will most certainly need to use it."

"Why can't Aunt Carol sleep in Bryan's room, so I don't have to switch?" Candy complains.

"I've told you this before, Dear. Aunt Carol will be more comfortable with feminine decor. Besides, I still haven't gotten around to shampooing the carpet after Bryan's birthday partry." You aren't even sure shampoo will remove the evidence of that night. Bryan got his wish of a bukakke theme, and was practically swimming in semen by the time all those guys shot all over him. He passed out on the floor, and when he got up the next morning, there was a man-shaped white stain on the navy blue carpet that could just barely be covered up with a throwrug.

You start giving instructions. "Alright, they will be here in about 2 hours. I want you to call or text anyone who thinks they are sleeping here tonight and reschedule. Boys, get all the naked posters off your walls. Candy, hide the slutty clothes from your closet and for goodness sakes, make sure you don't leave out any sex toys. Let's all get to work and make sure we're ready for them.

* * * * *

Two hours later your home and family seem to be presentable. The only thing that threatened that illusion was 20 minutes ago when Bryan walked into his room, forgetting momentarily that it was now Candy's, and walked in on his sister just as she was changing into more modest-looking clothing. The sight of her in just her undies put Bryan into a mode of being "helpful", and when you came upon them, Bryan had already shed most of his clothing and had Candy bent over the desk as he rubbed his boxer-clad erection against her ass.

You hated to break them up, but knowing Carol could be there any minute, you forced yourself to do so. Besides, just the little you saw had gotten you pretty moist between the legs, and if you had seen more, there's no way you could have prevented yourself from joining in.

Your boys have emerged from Aron's room, again identically dressed. They look rather wholesome in their button-up shirts and khaki pants, except that Bryan's erection is still pretty noticeable. Whether it is from making out with Candy or from watching Aron get dressed, you don't know.

Candy comes out of her room in the only skirt she owns that goes down past her knees. For that matter, it's probably the only skirt she has that doesn't expose her crotch to the whole world when she bends over.

If anyone didn't know better, they'd swear you were the model family of wholesomeness.

The doorbell rings, and you open the door. Standing there is....


who is at the door?


          A girl, looking for Aron


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