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Faeophobia | menoetes | 9


Paphia waited in the hall as her new ‘friend’ packed and argued with his old room-mate. At one point the room-mate had stuck his head out into the hall to stare at her, his eyes widening before slamming the door closed again with a loud cry of;

“What the fuck Dude?! Give it back NOW!!”

Paphia didn’t care; she had just spent the day surrounded by young human men and women, each young man reeking of human sexual potency and each one hiding a potential baby-maker in his pants. Many of her young sisters might have leapt on one, or even several of the young male applicants, dragging them away to some secluded corner or cubby-hole to fuck them senseless and fill their hungry wombs with life-giving cum in the hope of having babies but not her! She had acted professional, like humans said they wanted you to… at least until ‘he’ had come along…

She had smelled his desire for her, but she had smelled that on many men since coming back to this amazing world the humans had built. She had also smelled something else; she had smelled earth and soil. The smell came from deep within him, from his very bones; this one had come from a long line of farmers with a close kinship to the soil and as a tree nymph that made her whole body tingle with desire.

Then he had shown her that charm… the young fool clearly didn’t know what a prize he had there. Those charms had been made by the elder leprechauns to bring them extraordinary luck, and with the decline of male childbirths in the world of the Fae; they had also meant bringing great luck when it came to having children! No one had more luck in getting knocked up and baring a preciously rare male child then those few female Fae who managed to drag the ever-wily Leprechauns back to their beds…

…and if the other Fae on campus learned of this young human’s prize, they would come flocking to him like flies to honey.

Oh, to bare a son! Paphia’s mind reeled at the thought of a strong, beautiful and healthy son growing in her fertile Fae belly.

She was growing quite heated by the idea of this fresh young human fucking her brains out and filling her with new-born life when her new friend had hustled out the door of his old dorm room, arms overflowing with belongings and slammed it angrily behind himself.

“Let me help you with that…” she had murmered hotly into his ear as she slipped a backpack off of one of his shoulders while pressing her impressive EE tits against his arm. He was a mess, and looking like he had just been wrestling with someone…

They had made their way down a few halls to his new room in the sophomore dorm, as she had promised it was a large open double room with a big window overlooking the quad and best of all; no room-mate.

She hadn’t been able to hold back any longer, just as soon as the door had closed behind them she had knocked his paltry belongings out of his hands and pressed herself up against his body as she kissed him. His smell was fantastic; it was a mixture of fresh turned soil, his growing desire for her and a strong male potency that turned her spine to jelly. She could sense his desire for her too; it was like some fantastic drug that set her body afire. By all the gods, no wonder the lesser Fae found life on the stripper pole so irresistible!

She could feel something pressing against her hip and smiled through the kiss, he was getting hard, what some human jokers called ‘getting wood’ and the gorgeous tree nymph liked that term, she liked it a lot. Wrapping one long bare leg behind him she pulled him tight against her soft eager body and whispered meaningfully in his ear;

“I’ve done my part in our bargain, my lucky one. Now it’s time for you to ’move in’…”


What happens now?

          Live up to your side of the bargain.


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