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Hostage Negotiator | Kabundan | 5


"No, you've seen enough" you say standing in front of them in your provocative lingerie.

Now becoming a little paranoid with both of the masked men staring at you and eyeing you up.

One of the men waves his automatic riffle at you threateningly, you hold your hands up worried he might shoot. The other man walks up to you and grabs both your hands in one of his. Using his free hand he undoes your bra and yanks this off your chest revealing your perky little breasts.

You scream as you are bent at the waist and feel your thong being yanked down to your ankles.

"Are you satisfied that I'm not bugged?" you say angrily from your bent over position with your ass in the air "or was this just about seeing me naked?"


Are they satisfied?



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