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The Slut Family | acorn142 | 4


As fun as a foursome sounds, you know that if you get involved with Bryan, Candy, and Vanessa now, you'll never get out of the house today. With great will power, you force yourself onward, making it to the door at about the time Vanessa has started licking Bryan's balls.

The local gym is just a couple of blocks away and an easy walk. That's a good thing. The thought of what was going on back at your place was causing some growing to take place in your crotch that was making it a little difficult to walk.

At the gym you glance around and see if you know anyone. Having been in college for a year, you aren't surprised to see a lot of people whom you haven't seen before. You stow your bag in a locker and head to the weight room to begin your workout.

You start with a few sets of weights to limber up. As you do, you glance around the room to see who is there. Of course, there are the usual characters who should have been thinking about working out about 80 or 90 pounds ago, but there are also some pretty good-looking specimens who definitely know how to take care of their bodies.

You zero in on some pretty attractive bodies in particular. One of them is a girl who seems to be about your age. She is blond, petite, and hyper-focused on the cardio routine that is making her quite sweaty. She doesn't appear to have paid you any attention thus far, but it might be fun to see if you could change that.

You also see an older woman who appears to be a trainer. She is in her 40's, but is in awesome shape. You think that she keeps glancing your way a lot more than she needs, unless she has a particular interest in what she sees.

As you ponder those possibilities, you see someone else walk in. You have to look twice before you realize that it is Donna, a girl from high school. You didn't think much of her in high school because she was pretty fat, but it seems that she has taken the physical fitness challenge seriously. Although she is still a little plump, she has lost a lot of weight and is kind of cute. You're sure she has no experience with guys because of her prior weight issue, and it might be fun to "reward" her for her hard work.


Make a play with one of these women, or go to another part of the gym?

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