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Alien Alterations (take 2) | Aln80017 | 4


Eric almost ran down the stairs, the whole situation, everything that was going on, was freaking him out. Each step down let is cock flop around in the now waaaay over sized sweat pants, reminding him that he'd gotten a chubby checking out Tera and Carol.

With no control over it he began to fantasize about both women. Nothing too crazy, but certainly thoughts filled with carnal lust. His chubby turned into a full on hard on and he knew he was going to have to take care of it.

There was that tingling feeling in his head again...

***In the garage***

Carol was about to sit in her car, a black 2011 CTS, when she started thinking about Eric again. The NEW Eric.

"Wow... he certainly has changed. He's a good looking young man. Very handsome," she thought as the door was opening behind her and she started up the car.

As the big V8 engine began to rev, so did her own imagination. She thought about the glimpse she'd got of her ass and wondered what was on the other side. She unconsciously licked her lips, "I bet it's a big one... wait! did I really just think that about Eric? That he's got a big cock?!" at the same time she felt a heat and desire between her legs that had been long forgotten.

***In the kitchen***

Tera was busing herself with putting the dishes away from the dishwasher. While her hands performed the task on auto pilot, her mind wandered to Eric.

"He actually is kinda hot... like, really hot. I wouldn't mind grabbing a hold of that ass and pulling him down on..."

She shook her head, as tho to clear the cob webs. Had she really just thought about having Eric naked and on top of her? And if she hand her hands on his ass pulling on him, urging him on even, then that meant that they would have to be....

Tera couldn't help but blush at the realization that yes, she had in fact just had a brief fantasy of Eric fucking her. She ran the mental video in her head over and over a few times, finally realizing that she was getting more than a little worked up. She could feel her clit getting hard and her pussy begin to moisten.

"I wonder how big he really is," she asked herself just as she heard the water from the shower down below start to run. She imagined him stepping into the shower again as she closed her eyes and bit her lower lip and her hand lightly brushed across her right boob subconsciously, the nipple already hard.

***Back down stairs***

Eric was in fact stepping into the shower at that very moment. Eric had left the door from his room to the bathroom wide open. No one ever really came into his room so, why not right?

He tried to get his mind off his fantasy's as he washed his hair, with no luck what so ever.

He imagined Tera being all hot and bothered, excited, playing with herself, turned on by *him*.

He began to slowly stroke his cock, but the pace quickened as he thought about her in various positions and doing lewd, if not just down right twisted, things to herself. His breathing got heavier, deeper and faster. he pumped his cock like a jack hammer. He was all but lost to the real world...


someone come in? finish off and go shopping? Something else?


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